
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dinner Rolls

Every special holiday I do some dumb thing to make it memorable. This year it was the rolls.

I have made homemade dinner rolls for holidays and special occasions for 40 years. Parker House rolls have been a specialty for so many years. I remember a Thanksgiving I hosted when we lived in Riverside, Idaho. I had 44 people for Thanksgiving that year. I made 12 DOUBLE BATCHS of rolls for that day. I sent home rolls, at least a dozen with every family as they left. It will always be a special memory for me.

Parker House Rolls take so much work. But they are worth it. They are light and everyone loves them. They are so light that it is easy to eat more than 2. They don't fill you up, so you can just keep eating.

However, a few years ago, my friend Vickie Winkle shared her recipe with the ladies in our ward. We met once or twice a month and scrap booked at Susie's house. One day Vickie showed up with her Kitchen aid bowl, and it was filled with ingredients. She whipped up a batch and they had raised in hardly anytime. We so enjoyed those hot rolls!

So this year, while mom and dad were here, I thought I would whip up a quick batch. And I did. When they were all formed and in the pan to raise I put them in my oven on "proof" to help them stay warm and raise quickly. The only problem was, I got distracted. It is easy to do when you have a house full of guests and you are multi-tasking. When I thought about the rolls, I opened the oven door and this is what I saw.

I took the pan out of the oven and just took one roll at a time, and reshaped it, put it back on the pan, and in another 15 minutes they were ready to bake. Interestingly enough, they turned out perfect. I had 24 rolls, which I thought would last at least a day or two. They were gone in one day. So, on Christmas Eve I made another batch, and then a second batch. I kept my eyes on them this time. When one is cooking 48 rolls, you tend to not forget about them again. They turned out perfect.

Now, just in case you want to make full proof dinner rolls, and if you have a Bosch or a Kitchen aid, you will really loves these. So here is my recipe, and may you enjoy it as much as we do, and may they stick to your butt like they do mine!

Dinner Rolls

In large bowl: (kitchen aid or Bosch) : 2 packages yeast (4 1/2 tsp), 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup instant mashed potato flakes ( like the ones we get from the cannery), 1 tsp. salt. Mix.

Add the rest of the ingredients: 2 1/2 cup very warm water, 2 beaten eggs, 1 stick melted or very soft butter, 5-6 cups flour added gradually (up to 7 cups although I find 6 cups is usually enough),(I mix wheat flour as well and it is still a wonderful roll). Mix with the bread hook for about 3 minutes. The dough will pull away from the side, but don't add too much flour. The dough will be sticky to handle so grease or butter your hands when you shape the rolls.

The dough will be very sticky and soft. You may shape it now or put the dough in the fridge overnight.

Shape into balls about the size of a golf ball, and put them on a large greased cookie sheet, or jelly roll pan. I put 4 across and 6 down, and it works out perfectly for one batch of rolls.

Let rise until double in size.

Bake 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes. I usually leave them 17 minutes and they are golden brown and fully cooked.

Remove from cookie sheet and place on a cooling rack.

May you make new traditions with your family around the dinner table, for Sunday dinners, with friends or family, or special holidays or event. The time spent together with loved ones is only enhanced by good food. ENJOY~!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thrift Stores

"it just so happens i buy it faster than i can use it" ......

I love Thrift Stores. Did you know that on Thursday, Goodwill has a Dollar Color? It changes every Thursday. Like maybe Yellow was on a recent Thursday, so I looked for yellow tags on sheets. Yes, bedding sheets. I found some fabulous sheets to cut up to make more rag rugs. I am loving them! And I make matching place mats. They are just too too cute.

No, I won't take a picture and post it... Christmas is coming..... la la tra la la.....

So now I have two big plastic sacks full of sheets....

But I also have a new fetish... Amber Glass. Yes, the carnival glass. I have new glasses in the kitchen, cereal bowls, a water pitcher, serving platter, and some candy dishes.

I also find tarnished silver to be delightful. I love the patina on the silver. No, I will never polish it. It looks better and better the longer it is handled and not shinned.

Then there is the old luggage. I just love it! I fill it with the cut up sheets, close the luggage, make a tag that says what is in the luggage and stack 'em up. Oh, oh, they are great!

Like I said "it just so happens i buy it faster than i can use it" .

Friday, November 13, 2009

Food Prepardness and traditions

I have loved spending time with my daughters and grandkids as we have done fall canning. We have done Chicken (50 lbs) Concord Grapes (20 lbs) Beets (90 lbs. and pickled a lot of it) and made kits for homemade bread. We grind our wheat, and put them in Gallon Ziploc Bags and freeze them. When we use them we only add 4 ingredients and presto.... I bake bread. Nikki shares her grinder with us, and I am sure grateful for that!

I grew up with gardens, apple trees, and a posterity who raised and canned most everything they ate. We had a current bush, and made current jelly. Then used it on homemade bread or pork... it was so good.

My dad hunted and fished, so we ate trout, elk, deer and antelope all the time. To this day I enjoy fresh Elk Liver and onions. (Jeremy, my friends son brings it to me in the fall in Arizona and I cherish that meal!)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mainely Wonderful

There are not words in the English Language which can describe how blessed I feel to be able to take trips with my mom and sisters. It makes it that much better to visit my dear relatives in Maine. Cousin Janet who is almost my age, with kids the age of mine, and Aunt Deanne. The extended family is just as wonderful! I have the time of my life while I am there. I spend way too much money, shop way too much, don't sleep enough, eat more than I should, and laugh until tears roll down my cheeks. I love my family. Each and everyone of them. This bike is at the end of my Aunt Deanne's driveway. The trees are thick and
it would be easy to miss her driveway. This helps us find our way home.

Grace and Ella are daugters of Jennifer.

Jennifer is a daughter of Janet.

Janet is a daughter of Aunt Deanne.

Aunt Deanne is the sister to my mom.

Country Treasure is a place we always visit,
and spend more money! This is next to one
of the stores. It is privately owned and a very special place.

Judd, Emily, and Zeke.
Emily is another daughter of Janet.

My youngest sister, Liz and me.

Emily, Aunt Deanne (my mom's sister) Jennifer, Janet

Me, Mom, Liz, Vicki
Liz, Mom, Vicki, Me
The only man who took the place of mine, while I was gone.
This is outside of Country Treasures.
Aunt Deanne's Siberian Husky, Mariah. I love her!
Outside of Emily's house.
Liz, Deanne, Emily, Mom, Vicki, Me

Thanks for the memories.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Finding Hope

I hope you can take a minute to watch this inspiring video. It helped me to remember...

My Volleyball Princess and her brother

V and I enjoyed attending one of Madison's volleyball games.
It is amazing how the smell of a gym is the same no matter where you are, or if you are in a new school or an old one.
And the athletes smell the same too.
The opposing team is in the background. They shudder and hide their faces every time Madison got to hit the ball. Her serves gave her team the win!

Madison's biggest fan is her brother, Jack.
Stay tuned for more entertainment from Jack.

Isn't she so innocent and beautiful!! Oh, I love her!
Madi gives her ALL for the team!

While the teams were in a huddle, Jack performed "the worm" for us.

Isn't this the cutest bottom you have ever seen (or pinched?).
The Killer Serve!
I love you sweet grandkids!

What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

Dr. Ronald Shelley, the Sr. partner of
Arrowhead Lakes Dentistry
and my friend.

Arrowhead Lakes Dentistry attended a seminar given by Dr. Paul Homoly. As usual, we were well taught and learned much. The knowledge can be given in the dental world, and also in our personal lives. Here are just a few faces that gave me joy over the weekend. (The sad faces are not shown, as cameras in a casino are frowned upon.....)

The gang that attended.

Dr. Paul Homoly and Dr. Dustin Putnam.
Dr. Homoly joined our office for lunch.

Michele, Carol and Kristina.
What wonderful friends, who will last a life time!

The Dr.s treated us to a dinner at Margaritaville.
Trisha brought a friend from high school.
Carol, Dr. Putnam and Tawnya
We were celebrating September birthdays...
Why isn't Kristina in the picture with us?
Brenda and Tawnya

Dr. Fellner.
He is one of the greatest men I know! What an inspiration!

Dr. Putnam and my buddy Amanda.
Amanda and I assist Dr. Shelley at work.
We make a great team! (did you know she reads minds?)
Dr. Shelley, my boss, my friend, my mentor, and my spiritual inspiration and conscience to do what is right. (Even when I don't want to!)

There are many photos, but these were some highlights for me.
I am sure Dr. Shelley has plenty of "evidence" to blackmail us for the rest of our lives with his photos and video.
Remember Dr. Shelley... I love you, I love you, I love you.... as a boss friend (really Darlene, that is all it is!!!!)

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11=60 years old today

My best friend, in the world and throughout eternity, turned 60 years old today. He started his typical work day.... very early. He and his carpool buddy, Dave spent the morning and the evening together as they chatted to and from work. (Tonight Dave shared with me that he and V have spent 480,000 miles together in distance, and 2 years in time together!) Dave has spent more time with my friend than I have, during busy weeks. And if I couldn't be with him, I will be eternally grateful that Dave could. What a wonderful man to be buddies with.

My best friend chose me over 40 years ago. He was 19 years old when he put a ring on my finger. What was he thinking!!! We were so young... and now we are a little older, a little wiser, and still very much in love. In fact, it has gotten better as the years pass, and the children have grown and left the nest. It is just the two of us. We can talk, and not whisper so little ears won't hear. We can eat in the living room and not worry that we are setting a bad example to those who were never allowed to do that. We can stay up late, and sleep in. And wake in each others arms. We can spend hours and hours together, and never have to say a thing. We can look at each other, and burst out laughing, because we know what the other one is thinking, and the wonderful fact that "they get it!"

This evening we spent with friends and family laughing and celebrating this wonderful man. (I learned something new about him... I didn't know he liked Red Lobster) Thanks to those who took time to celebrate with us tonight. And we missed those who couldn't make it.

I could go on and on.... for there is no end to the goodness of my best friend., my love, my reason for breathing. Just know how very much I love him. \

Happy 60th Birthday Varce.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rug Braiding

In the beginning:
I enjoyed a Saturday in Pine, Arizona, with Nikki and learned how to weave/braid rag rugs. We had so much fun and we were so excited to make rag rugs, similuar to what Grandma Walters made. The longer I worked on mine, the more I wished I had chosen additional colors to add. So I purchased some black, cut the strips of fabric, undid most of what I had done, and added the black. I liked the look of it much better.

I hadn't thought much about leaving the loom outside the RV, as I had put it up on top of 2 chairs. I (how silly of me) thought it would be ok, and Nikki and I went inside and had a good nights sleep.
The next morning the loom was fine. We took our dogs on a short walk, about 20 minutes, and when we returned, we found our little squirrel had visited our camp, and enjoyed munching on the warp of my rug! The rascal also had chewed a long strip of fabric and it was no where to be found.
The rug was not turning out as well as I had hoped, so I was forced to cut all the warp off the loom and start, yet again, my rug. Well, a week later it was completed, and it still a "beginners" rug. But what a story it tells!

My world is full of squirrels

Last week my clothesline was eaten by a little "beasty". I am sure the nest it lives in is well decorated with soft cotton twine. I was inside the RV to take this photo.

Turn on your sound. The first little "barks" you hear are the squirrel..... Then you can hear Zoey as she patiently sat and watched our camp being attacked. But Zoey didn't go after the squirrel. I was surprised! I kept thinking Cash and Connor would love this!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do you need a lift today?

This is wonderful music! And what a talent!
I saw a video about "Gracie.. if you want to see it ... get a tissue....

It is wonderful, and full of promise from our Father in Heaven. We get to see the "living pictures" of sacred promises. I hope you enjoy it, even though it will pull on your heart strings, and make your day filled with the spirit of our Father, above, who loves us and who has a plan for us. May we be worthy of those blessings.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Recovery is a work in progress

In the beginning I was to rest, and get out of the heat.......

While spending some hours of relaxation on the "rim", I have found my inspiration once again. Or at least time to do some of the things that my heart aches to do. I still have the "shakes" and that means I have to simply stop what I am doing and find something that I can do. I don't let it interfere with the "doing".
These started out as hot pads. I stitched snack size baggies inside of them and added a button for a closer. Your job is to figure out what you will do with it, if you get one. (Embellishments, sewing supplies, coupons, etc.?????)

At the last count I had 17 knitted dish clothes. They wear forever and are better than any brand of store bought. I still have a cone of cotton yarn in a different color, so there will be at least 17 others in the waiting.

While at the Webb family reunion this past July, Liz and I and others crocheted scrubbies. It is from netting, which is cut into 3" strips. Then you crochet. Well, I crocheted, and crocheted and crocheted. I have nearly 50 done. I hope you all like yellow!

In the Quilt Shop in Pine, Arizona I saw a loom in the corner and it had a rug started on it. It is so much like the rugs Grandma Walters used to make, only much more simple on a small loom and not the big one that requires shuttles or sewing fabric together. But the idea is much the same. So I said to myself, "Self, we are going to take this class and add making rugs to our list of God given talents". I showed Nikki the loom, and she was in for it, too. We took the class, got our looms, and fabric cut, and spent endless hours in the shade of the pine trees, feeling the cool breeze, and braided away. They are endless in possibilities and there is no counting. It is another therapy!

Many spirits keep coming to earth for their bodies, so I continue to ready a gift for them. Some for girls, some for boys. The crocheted edging on these soft flannel blankets and bibs are treasures from my heart for those special sweet spirits. I am happy to add warm love to surround those sweet bodies.

I am so grateful that I have developed talents and skills, and that I find joy in the doing. They are gifts of love for those I share them with. They are therapy for me while creating them. And most of all, they allow me time to ponder, when my mind is cleared from the daily busy things that we all do. My mind goes "some place else", and I day dream, and think and allow those quiet whisperings to come to mind. I have found peace.

And the best part of all is when "company comes". Being with my family is the joy of my life. They are the creations I am the most proud of.

Rylee is a God Grand Daughter. She is a joy and a help in my kitchen.

Jackson, ....... and his video games.

Poppy is waiting for the Kingsford briquettes to light. We had a wonderful Dutch Oven dinner about an hour after this photo. (And Poppy was getting sick with the flu, and fed us dinner anyway) Jeff kept us laughing with all the games he invented. And laugh we did. Jackson should be in drama, or write plays. What a gift!

When we could get Madison to wake up, she was one smile after another. Oh, how I love her!

Jack, you have a brain that astounds me. What a vocabulary! And you are brillant. Great things await us all as we watch you grow.