
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rug Braiding

In the beginning:
I enjoyed a Saturday in Pine, Arizona, with Nikki and learned how to weave/braid rag rugs. We had so much fun and we were so excited to make rag rugs, similuar to what Grandma Walters made. The longer I worked on mine, the more I wished I had chosen additional colors to add. So I purchased some black, cut the strips of fabric, undid most of what I had done, and added the black. I liked the look of it much better.

I hadn't thought much about leaving the loom outside the RV, as I had put it up on top of 2 chairs. I (how silly of me) thought it would be ok, and Nikki and I went inside and had a good nights sleep.
The next morning the loom was fine. We took our dogs on a short walk, about 20 minutes, and when we returned, we found our little squirrel had visited our camp, and enjoyed munching on the warp of my rug! The rascal also had chewed a long strip of fabric and it was no where to be found.
The rug was not turning out as well as I had hoped, so I was forced to cut all the warp off the loom and start, yet again, my rug. Well, a week later it was completed, and it still a "beginners" rug. But what a story it tells!

1 comment:

  1. Oh mom - I am cracking up right now!!! I know it's a lot of work, but this is funny!!! :) And your rug looks gorgeous! (Got any spare rust and espresso scraps and a few days on your hands? ;)
