
Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11=60 years old today

My best friend, in the world and throughout eternity, turned 60 years old today. He started his typical work day.... very early. He and his carpool buddy, Dave spent the morning and the evening together as they chatted to and from work. (Tonight Dave shared with me that he and V have spent 480,000 miles together in distance, and 2 years in time together!) Dave has spent more time with my friend than I have, during busy weeks. And if I couldn't be with him, I will be eternally grateful that Dave could. What a wonderful man to be buddies with.

My best friend chose me over 40 years ago. He was 19 years old when he put a ring on my finger. What was he thinking!!! We were so young... and now we are a little older, a little wiser, and still very much in love. In fact, it has gotten better as the years pass, and the children have grown and left the nest. It is just the two of us. We can talk, and not whisper so little ears won't hear. We can eat in the living room and not worry that we are setting a bad example to those who were never allowed to do that. We can stay up late, and sleep in. And wake in each others arms. We can spend hours and hours together, and never have to say a thing. We can look at each other, and burst out laughing, because we know what the other one is thinking, and the wonderful fact that "they get it!"

This evening we spent with friends and family laughing and celebrating this wonderful man. (I learned something new about him... I didn't know he liked Red Lobster) Thanks to those who took time to celebrate with us tonight. And we missed those who couldn't make it.

I could go on and on.... for there is no end to the goodness of my best friend., my love, my reason for breathing. Just know how very much I love him. \

Happy 60th Birthday Varce.

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