
Friday, February 10, 2012

Who Wouldn't Want These?

My daughters know how much I love "vintage" stuff. 

I am drawn to "vintage" things of all kinds.

I especially like crocheted and lace and frilly things.  They scream "vintage" to me.

Years ago I did crocheting while my little kids were at piano lessons.  I made several Pineapple patterned doilies.  Ecru was the popular color back then.  I used them for years under lamps, and potted plants.  Now they are in drawers...waiting for me to remember them.

It is something in my blood.  I love to do it.

I have crocheted leper bandages for our churches humanitarian needs.

At last count there were about 70 dish clothes in my hutch, that I have crocheted in the past few months.  I can't sit and watch TV.  It wastes my time, so I crochet.  And when I need a quick gift for someone, I have plenty to choose from.  I always do scrubbies out of Tulle to go with the dish clothes.

To me, a hand made gift is priceless.  Someone took the time to create.  To improve a talent or skill.  I think hand made gifts are very special.

A few days ago, one of my daughters came to my house and brought a bag of hand crocheted doilies.  They are so colorful and pretty.  Some have stains.  Some are a little unraveled in a place or two, but most of them are very special!

 Someone, who was very foolish, threw these beautiful hand crocheted items away.  She, being my daughter, and therefore, has my DNA when it comes to "vintage" things, couldn't let stay where they were.  She rescued them!  I am so proud of her. 

I washed them, and layed them all over my kitchen and dining room to dry flat.  I have loved looking at them.  There are lots of pink ones, some red ones and some purple ones.  Even a few  plain white ones.  Each one is different and very special.

There are hours and hours of someones work on my counter.  The time to buy the crochet thread, to pick the colors, to study a pattern, to carefully count as the pattern was formed.  Someone knotted off the threads and changed colors and continued making very special creations.

Although I don't decorate in pink..... I love these wonderful surprise gifts.  I am going to find some place to use the ones with red.  I have lots of red around my house.  Even if it is to sit a candle on, I am going to have some of these gorgeous vintage creations around.

Come on over and see them.  We love it if you would come over.

See you soon,

Love, Me

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