
Friday, February 24, 2012

Bruised Ego

I don't want to spend much time on this subject, or the subject matter.

I think a picture is worth a thousand words.

No, this picture is not of me.  NO it is not of me!

Day 1. 
A few hours after the accident.

Day 3

Bruised Ego

Due to privacy issues, the person will remain nameless!

All I can say is, "It was a bummer".

You want more details.  OK!.  I got permission from the owner of the photo subject manner.  She said I could share.

We only had about 1/4 inch of snow for Christmas. 
I wanted a really White Christmas, since all my off spring were home for Christmas.
We bought two toboggans to pull behind the 4 wheelers.
I had a pot of soup on the stove simmering, to help warm up the cold fingers and toes.

It was a perfectly laid plan.
Except we only had 1/4 in of snow.

Too bad.  As all children, parents and animals were ordered out of the house and to the field.
The 4 wheelers were hooked to the toboggans, and yes, they were going to carry people.
One middle child daughter (who will remain nameless) was being pulled by her brother.
He went fast.
She went flying.
She landed on something very very very very very  very hard.

She said, "Hey, I landed on something very very very hard".

He said, "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.  You went flying!"

A few hours later, we were in the house and enjoying each others company, and eating.
She said, "I have a huge lump on my bottom.  Come and feel it.  It is huge."
We all said, "OK, we want to feel your bottom, and feel the huge lump."

After the sun went down she continued to complain that there was a huge lump on her bottom and it hurt to sit.  Again, she asked, "Do you want to feel how big the lump is getting?"

"Of course!"

Then she went in the bathroom and looked at her bottom.

Hence, Day 1 photo.

Hence, Day 3 photo.

Hence, we all got to keep feeling her bottom.

I hope next year we get more snow.

Love, Me

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Drive Up North

It was late one afternoon early this week.  I had "Cabin Fever" again.  We had to get out and see some other sights.  It has been way too long since I saw my brother up north of us.  So, that is where we headed, and as usual, I took my camera.

I am going to share with you some random pictures that I took on the drive.  Most of them are while we are moving down the highway.  Most of them have lots of telephone poles and wires in them.  You will see local bill boards, fields, foothills and the Teton Mountains.  Because that is what is around the country where I live. 

So, sit back and take a ride with me.  Un-plugged!  Literally.  Un-edited, as well.  The photos are SOOTC  Straight Out Of The Camera.  No editing...because I don't have time.

First, you will see a donkey on the left and a camel on the right. 
We don't see camels in Idaho everyday....that is pretty exciting!
Notice the lack of snow on the foothills.
The White Poles on the foothills are the base of the windmills.

This is taken from the highway leaving Ammon, headed to Ucon.  The rather small rural town in which I grew up to be a sassy sexey teenager.  I walked a lot when we lived there.  My pals lived in Ucon, too.  Marsha, Bonnie, Myrtle, Bill, Don, and a bunch more.  I can't wait to see them all again next summer at our 45th high school class reunion.  Sheesh, 45th!

The sights of the farm land thrills every cell in my body!  I love to watch the colors change during each season.  To see the changes of the mountains, and on clear days, to see the tops of the Teton Mountains gives me goose-bumps.  Truly!

The grain fields go from brown to green to gold to beige and brown and green and gold and beige and it never looks the same.

Even though this photo is a photography disaster (for lots of reasons) I still like it.  You should never have the horizon in the middle of the frame, and I do.  The sky should be 1/4 or 3/4 of the frame, and mine is almost 50%, I don't care.  This photo is not in a contest.  It is my photo, for my joy.  And I do get joy from it.  Because, it has empty grain fields, foothills, leafless trees, the peaks of the Tetons and a farm.  This is South Easten Idaho at it's best.  A Winter without snow, and most days reaching 39 or 40 degrees.  I love it!

Continuing on down the road, actually it is up the road because we are headed north, we are now on the Interstate and passing  Rexburg, Idaho.  The home of BYU-Idaho.  And the home of the fairly new Rexburg, Idaho LDS temple.

I warned you about the telephone poles, the wires, and possibly blurry pictures, because we are going about 65 miles an hour, but this is what the edge of Rexburg looks like.  Again, not much snow, and pretty mild temps.  The college is getting bigger every year with new buildings and tons of apartments.  I think they have 9 or more Stakes in Rexburg.  You will know what that means if you are familiar with The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, which I belong too.  Maybe it is 12 stakes....I am not sure.... But, for the geographical area that is A LOT of college kids.  My dream would to have my grand daughter go here.  I know she would love it.

We visited with my brother, and then headed home at sundown.

This is what the Teton Mountains look like not far from my brothers home.  Isn't he lucky to get to see so much of them.  They are near Jackson, Wyoming.  That is a ways over there, and they are pretty dang big.

More farm land and the Tetons .

"Soak it in Mirilla".  Do you know that movie?

It is from Anne of Green Gables.... I use that phrase frequently.  It says what I feel.

As I was taking this shot my Darling Husband pointed out something else just off to the right. 
Look really close at the shot.  Look for a dot of color above the mountain range and you will see it.

Some brave soul isn't afraid of the cold here.  With the wind chill, that has to be very cold!
They would go lower and then rise back up.  It was fun to watch.
But I was getting cold being out taking the pictures......I wasn't sure why I was so chilly, then I remembered that I left my coat at my brothers.  I was in a t-shirt.  No wonder I was getting chilly.  The sun was setting and the temperature was dropping.

I am here, and I still get home sick for it.   It is strange to feel this way.  I have missed this land.  This place.  It is my home.  It flows through my blood and is in my bones.  It makes me realize how much joy I get by seeing this land.  The wide open spaces.  The wildlife, the seasons.  All that and more.  I am so grateful to be here again.

I already shared with you, in a recent blog post about Bambi.  It was on this drive we discovered him/them.  After watching them, and taking about 200 shots of them, I am not sure if I can put in for an Elk tag next year.  They taste great, but I an not sure if I could get one in my scope and pull the trigger.  They are extraordinary creatures.  So majestic.  So graceful.  To see them in the wild is truly a spectacular sight.  To hear them bugle to each other is even better.

My Darling Husband and I had a wonderful drive, a  nice visit with my brother, and a spiritual experience on this day.  My bucket was refilled for another 24 hours.

My photography needs improvement, as I want to be able to know what settings to use on my camera, and only take the "perfect shots" and not have to delete 500 pictures every other day, but, with this kind of beauty surrounding me, it may never happen.  How could I possibly pick "just one" and know that it was the best? 

So, until next time......

Love, Me

Friday, February 17, 2012

Swans In Water vs. Dirt

I have shared with you swans in dirt.  They were sitting in a recently harvested potato field.
I have nothing more to say about them. 
They were wierd.

I have met new swans, who unlike the dirt swans, were where they are supposed to be.

In water.

These awesome, graceful, fluid creatures may be ugly ducklings when they are born, but it doesn't last. 
It reminds me of children during the years of 9 and 13.  They are ugly ducklings then.
Their permanent teeth have come in, and they are too big for the small childish face.
They don't know how to do their own hair, and rely on their unskilled mothers.
They wear glasses and have buggers in their noses.

You will see children that age when they get off the school bus.  They stumble.  Especially the boys, every time! They will have their jackets or coats on their heads by the hood.  No arms covered, no zippers done up, just hoods hanging off heads.

There is always a group of these kids, and also, the one who just doesn't fit in.  That lonely one is the one who has their backpack over their properly attired coat or jacket.  They have a full backpack.  Full of homework.  They walk normal.  They don't stumble.  They don't goof off.  They walk on the sidewalk, not on the grass of the homes they are passing.  They have a huge vocabulary.

Then comes the kids with the musical instruments. 
They don't fit into either group.
They carry great big suitcases which hold the musical instrument, which they subject their family to.

Then there comes the cheerleaders, the gymnastic stars, the pep club.
They are in flight to get home, because they have to hurry and grap a fruit roll up and get to practice.

Those who excel in sports and have a life outside of a video game or television are not walking, they are running.  They are building stamina, and muscels, and don't care who is watching them.

Then, about age 16 or 17 a complete change overtakes these kids.  Suddenly, their permanent teeth are no longer too big for their bodies. The glasses are replaced with contacts.  They have clean faces and clearing complexions. They all become graceful, and smart, and care about their appearance.  Because, a "special someone" might be looking at them.  Or a college, or a teacher, or a neighbor, or a complete stranger, but they know, someone is watching them.  And they want to be their best.

They are ready to take flight into adulthood.  They are ready for the world.  They are prepared in the only a way they think is needed.  They are invincible.

We hardly notice the little changes being made, it happens gradually.  They seem to come out of no where, as these almost adults.  One thing they all have in common is, they are taking flight into a new world.  A world of independance.

They are no longer the ugly ducklings.  They no longer believe unconditionally what adults tell them.  They want to find out for themselves.  Is the world flat or is it round.  And they do it together.  They have mastered the skills of multi tasking.  They talk, chew gum, drive, sing, memorize the music on the radio and text, all at the same time.  Yes, I said drive and text at the same time.  They all do it.  Even if they tell you they don't, they aren't being truthful with you or themselves.  And they still don't wear their coats.  The ones who used to, have learned they don't have to.  They all do that, too.  And the ones who had huge vocabularies have taught the other ones a few cool new words.

They are off!  They are growing.  They are no longer the ugly duckling.

Good luck little/big swans. 

Whether you came from dirt or water, you have the ability to soar with the eagles. 

And soar you will!

Love, Me

ps.  Isn't Mackay, Idaho a special place to see wildlife!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Who Wouldn't Want These?

My daughters know how much I love "vintage" stuff. 

I am drawn to "vintage" things of all kinds.

I especially like crocheted and lace and frilly things.  They scream "vintage" to me.

Years ago I did crocheting while my little kids were at piano lessons.  I made several Pineapple patterned doilies.  Ecru was the popular color back then.  I used them for years under lamps, and potted plants.  Now they are in drawers...waiting for me to remember them.

It is something in my blood.  I love to do it.

I have crocheted leper bandages for our churches humanitarian needs.

At last count there were about 70 dish clothes in my hutch, that I have crocheted in the past few months.  I can't sit and watch TV.  It wastes my time, so I crochet.  And when I need a quick gift for someone, I have plenty to choose from.  I always do scrubbies out of Tulle to go with the dish clothes.

To me, a hand made gift is priceless.  Someone took the time to create.  To improve a talent or skill.  I think hand made gifts are very special.

A few days ago, one of my daughters came to my house and brought a bag of hand crocheted doilies.  They are so colorful and pretty.  Some have stains.  Some are a little unraveled in a place or two, but most of them are very special!

 Someone, who was very foolish, threw these beautiful hand crocheted items away.  She, being my daughter, and therefore, has my DNA when it comes to "vintage" things, couldn't let stay where they were.  She rescued them!  I am so proud of her. 

I washed them, and layed them all over my kitchen and dining room to dry flat.  I have loved looking at them.  There are lots of pink ones, some red ones and some purple ones.  Even a few  plain white ones.  Each one is different and very special.

There are hours and hours of someones work on my counter.  The time to buy the crochet thread, to pick the colors, to study a pattern, to carefully count as the pattern was formed.  Someone knotted off the threads and changed colors and continued making very special creations.

Although I don't decorate in pink..... I love these wonderful surprise gifts.  I am going to find some place to use the ones with red.  I have lots of red around my house.  Even if it is to sit a candle on, I am going to have some of these gorgeous vintage creations around.

Come on over and see them.  We love it if you would come over.

See you soon,

Love, Me

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Daughter Calls Her "Creepy"

I have a very weird dog.  I love her.  I let her nap with me.  She is is shy and weird, but, boy do I love her.

She is one of those dogs that seems to be the result of living a life of being bullied.
It is so sad.
It really breaks my heart sometimes, ......because.....

The other dog I love, who is so dang smart!  She is too smart for her own good.  She is the bully!

As a pet owner I don't know what to do.

This is Ivy.  This is a typical profile of her.  Her tail is down.  Her head is watching, "where is the bully" all the time.  She is never, I mean never, ever doing anything, except watching to see where her other canine house mate is.  She lives in fear every day, every moment of her life.

The bully is over romping in the deeper snow and having a great time.  While poor Ivy hangs near the fence, out of the deep snow, because she will get attacked it the bully thinks she might leave a footprint in the deep snow, which, in her mind, all the snow belongs to the bully and no one else!

She is such a sweet dog.  I love her!

But here she is.  Hiding on the deck.  Always keeping one eye on the "white bully".

Her personality has developed into a deranged little dog.  She acts like she is in fear of her life nearly every hour of every day. She acts like that, because she is!  It breaks my heart.  Because she doesn't deserve it.  She is so sweet, so kind and has only one fault.  She runs away if she get loose outside.

Her only safe place is when she sits on my lap.  She knows she is safe there. 
Even when the "white bully" gets next to us, little Ivy has faith and trust in me to keep her safe.  But, if she gets "the look" she gets down off my lap.  She has learned it just isn't worth it.

So, today, while they are outside, doing what dogs do outside, Ivy never quits looking at that other dog.  She just can't risk it.

Suddenly, the "white bully" is finished doing what she was supposed to do outside and joined Ivy on the deck.  Poor Ivy.  She thought she was safe for just a moment or two.

The "white bully" gets into her mind that poor Ivy is to be malled, bitten, growled at, and terrified every single day.  The usual actions start, again.  Always the same thing.....the wrestling match.

It wasn't long until Ivy was trying to come up for air.  She is hoping, that just this once, she won't be malled, bitten, growled at, or disfigured.

She is terrified of this dominating alpha dog.  This small white bundle of fur is ruthless when it comes to being a "bully". 

Ivy lives in a fearful state all day long.  Just look at those ears.  She is submissive and still gets the crap knocked out of her.  She even lays on her back, in total submissive dog language, and it doesn't help. 

I want to be one of those mommies who gets to blog about all the love!  Seeing them lay next to each other on the sofa.  Snuggling next to each other in front of the fireplace.  Sharing toys.  Licking each other.  Showing love and concern for each other.

But, instead, our home is not a loving safe place for everyone.

Ivy lives in terror.

She goes crazy as she tries to be the winner of just one wrestling match!

My daughter may be correct.  Ivy does look creepy.

Oh, come to me baby.  Jump up into my arms and let me save you.........probably the exact opposite of what I should be doing.....but I sure do want to save her, and give her a happy well balanced life in our home.

What is a mother to do?

Love, Me

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Cellar Full Of Spuds

A few weeks ago I told you about the spuds we grow in Idaho.

A week or so ago, we went on a ride out to Roberts (a rural town about 20 miles from here).  We went with our friends Kenny and Paula.  Their son lives in Roberts and works a farm.  A farm where they grow spuds.

We went on our ride to see the spuds.  And some swans.  I already told you about the swans.  But now I want to show you the spuds.

We walked into the "Tunnel of Spud Love".  It was dark!  It was humid!  It smelled like "earth".  I loved it!  I love that smell, and that cold humid atmosphere!  It feels like home to me.

At the end of the tunnel we had to break into the cellar part of the "potato cellar".  The lock was getting a little rusty from the humidity.  But, the men who lead the way were strong, and hit the lock with the firocity of their youth, and had the lock open in an instant.

Then we climbed a vertical staircase.  Very vertical.  It too, was dark, wet and smelled like earth.

Then we arrived to a sight I couldn't believe. 

The "spuds"! 

Oh, my!

The cellar is about 35 to 40 FEET deep of spuds. 

You are looking at thousands of dollars of spuds.

The cellar is about 50 yards long.

I am going to guess at how wide it is....maybe..... 35 feet.

I was in "Spud Heaven".  Literally!

It felt like I had climbed to heaven when I had to go back down the stairs.  Yikes.  Wet, dark...
Back out the dark tunnel.
Into another area where we could look at the pile of potatoes from the ground.

We filled a plastic grocery bag with some of these beauties. 

We have been eating these beauties.
Oh, fresh spud-tatoes. 

There are few things in life that taste so good.

Love, Me

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bambi Is All Grow'd Up

  I saw Bambi! He is all grown up now!

  I also saw a whole bunch of his relatives.

I think someone who works at Disney just made up that story about Bambi's dad getting killed.
I think the Mom didn't get killed either.
I think there haven't been many Disney characters that really do get killed.
Especially if they are Elk.

Because I saw Bambi and all his relatives having a family reunion today.

It is true.

I will prove it to you.

Oh, and by the way, Bambi said to tell you all HI!

He looked great.  He is living just South of Sugar City, Idaho.  He has lots to eat and plenty of family to hang out with. 

Bambi is a Dad now, too.  He is really quite proud of himself.

He has a couple of really cool and handsome sons, and he is very proud of them. They are growing into fine stags.  I think they are most handsome, and he should be proud of them.  I could hear the girls, who were across the fence, giggling at them.

His relatives had rented this farm to have their reunion at.  It came with dinners catered and a playground for the little ones.  It wasn't very expensive and I think they plan on doing most of their reunions there from now on.  The food looked bland to me, but they all seemed to enjoy it.

The food is good, and they have a great view of surrounding mountains, and they are safe from wolves and bears and cars and  stuff like that.  The farm has a fence for them.  It doesn't look all that strong to me, but Bambi said it was good enough to keep them safe.

Bambi introduced me to quite a few of his relatives.  They are a great herd.  There are lots of strong tall guys in his family.  They seem to have more boys than girls.  Some families are just like that.

Since it was a special night for their reunion, I didn't want to take time away from them and all the family being together........and the fact that it was getting late and the sun would be setting soon, we kept our visit short. 

Bambi wants you all to know that he is happy.  He is healthy and loves his family very much.

He also said to tell "those yahoos at Disney to get their facts straight before they sell their next story".  I don't think he cared much for the story they wrote about his life.  Except, he did seem pleased when I asked him about the part of him finding a wife.  I think he liked that part very much! 

I just  thought you would like to know.

Love, Me

Friday, February 3, 2012

Hot Bread

I wish we had smellaputers.  Then you could smell the bread I took out of the oven.

It is wheat.  Fresh wheat.  As in I Ground My Own Wheat And Made It Flour.

There are very few things in life that are as good as hot homemade wheat bread, fresh from the oven.

One of these days, when I have the ambition to type more than I do today, I will share the recipe with you.

But for now, I just want your mouth to water. 

Yep, that is what it looks like on the inside. 

The inside light bulbs just aren't good enough to take really good yummy pictures.  I am learning how to correct that in a photgraphy class, but until then....... use your imagination.

That is a bowl of fresh honey, from my is the best honey in the entire world.

I love how the bread looks like a heart with a square bottom.  'I Heart You"!  It is true.

Yep, it smells good.  It tastes good.  It would only be better if you were here with me to eat some.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Anxiety And The Food Fairy

Sometimes I have trouble with anxiety.  Well, most of the time I struggle with it.  It starts with tingling in my tummy and arms and hands.  My legs tingle, and my breathing increases.  It isn't fun.  Some stores I shop at really give me anxiety.  I love to go into Fred Myers for..... less than a minute.  Then I start to tingle.  I want to shop there and I can't.  I think the isles are too close, the lighting is poor, and it is a negative impact on me.

I also suffer with anxiety when I have to do something out of my comfort zone.  Which, on Tuesday evening this week was one of those times.  My DH had given me a Christmas gift which was a love/hate for me.  He signed me up for a Photography class.  I was thrilled.  A new education for me on a subject that I love!  I couldn't have been happier.  I have looked forward to it since Christmas.

Well, this is the week that the class started.

Instant anxiety.

My DH knows how hard it is for me, so on Monday he put me in the car, in the drivers seat, and I drove us to where the class would be held.  I saw it.  I was fine. I got excited, in a good way.  I was going to be in there and learning about my camera and how to take better photos!  I was really looking forward to it.  Until I got home from that ride.  Then my imagination started, and so did the anxiety.  My DH knew it would.  He knows how this awful feeling is for me.  He, being the best husband ever, also knew what to do to calm my thoughts. He suggested we do something with the pork loin we had purchased over the weekend. He knows, "get her mind on something else", and he did.

The reason he suggested it to me is because he knew I had an idea for the big 9 lb hunk of meat. He knew that was a good time to start the preparation.  He stayed with me, and we had such fun in the kitchen making the marinate for the loin.  My mind was on the 9 lb. pork loin. 
A 9 lb pork loin is huge!  We could feed an army with it, so we planned our strategy to get as much good out of it as we could.  We cut it in half.  We made two different marinates.  We bagged the meat into big Ziploc bags and had so much fun together while we did it. 

I slept peacefully for 3 hours that night.  I remembered the photo class.  It kept me awake.

Then, Tues morning arrived.  I had to wait all day for the class.  My arms tingled, my legs tingled.....  I knew I had to stay busy that day so I didn't implode.

The best place for me to stay busy is in the kitchen.   That is exactly what I did.

I had everything I needed.  I was ready with the recipes.  I cooked all day long. By the end of the day I realized I could feed an army.  I knew a few "soldiers" who would appreciate this feast.

I prepared the food, and DH volunteered to deliver the meals.  He is the best man in the world.

It was nearly time for me to make my final preparations to attend my class.  I was really ready.  I had gathered my camera equipment, the camera batteries were charged, and a pen and paper was with the camera.  I just needed to freshen up and drive to the class.

But, first I had to send out an email.  Do you want to know what the email said, and do you want to know who got the email.  I knew you did, because I would want to know.

I sent it to my 4 off spring.

This is what it said:

Hello My darlings,

It really does pay to live in Idaho, and it is cheaper. Let me tell you why.

First course is biscuits made from scratch, this morning. Cheddar Chive Biscuits.

Next: Rolled Stuffed Loin of Pork with Rubied Gravy.

Yep, a 9 lb loin was lovingly pounded, butterflied and pounded some more to make it thinner. Not thin, but thinner.

Then it was marinated overnight in a Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, salt, and minced garlic marinate.

Then the marinate was removed and the pork was laid flat and covered with a stuffing which consists
of: onions, garlic, fresh ground ginger, cinnamon, ground cloves, parsley, olive oil, and 2 cups of dried cranberries. It was all minced together in the food processor. Then spread onto the flattened pork

The pork was rolled up and wrapped with thick cut bacon. This was tied with cooking sting to keep the pork closed and the bacon in place, and roasted in the oven until done.

To go along with this pork, I made a fresh cranberry rubied gravy, which is 12 oz of cooked fresh cranberries with sugar and cranberry pomegranate juice added. Cranberries have their own pectin so more juice was added to keep the cranberry sauce thin enough to drizzle over the pork, when served. For those of you who are eating this tonight, you may want to warm up the cranberry gravy sauce and add a little water if it thickens.

To accompany this I have prepared cubed Yukon potatoes. Drizzled with olive oil, Kosher salt, and dried basil (home grown). Coating all the cubed potatoes well, then placed in a flat cookie sheet pan and baked until crispy.

A vegetable is needed to I included baked Banana Squash with butter and brown sugar.

Because I have a photography class tonight, I was unable to get a dessert made. That will be left up to you. If you have room enough in your tummies to want dessert.

I hope those who get to eat this yummy meal tonight will know it was made with lots of love. Your father is in route as I am typing to deliver this to an apartment nearby, and he is meeting our commuter near the freeway, so it will be hot still. It is covered with foil, but may need to be popped into the oven to warm it up prior to eating.

Enjoy, and I love all of you!

See, it is cheaper to live in Idaho. Other people use their food and electricity and time on your behalf. And they lovingly do it!

My thanks to the delivery man.

I will think of all of you while I am at my photography class.

Love, Mom

Then I hurried out the door to my class.  I drove calmly to the class.  Upon arriving I was greeted with a warm welcome and smiles.  An empty seat was waiting for me, and we started the class promptly at 7:00.  I was relaxed and enjoyed every minute of it!

The teacher and owner of Perfect Light is a fast talker and I had to really focus to stay up with him.  I didn't have time to get anxious.  It was a wonderful experience, and I learned tons.  I learned about a triangle and its importance.  Did you know you need a triangle to take good photographs?

I can hardly wait until next week and have the 2nd part of the class.  I can hardly wait to get outside and take 50 pictures of the same thing. 

I'll bet my off spring can hardly wait to see if next Tuesday I am in the kitchen again.

The reason I know they are looking forward to it is in my inbox of my emails and the text messages I have recived.  They are glowing reports about the dinner they were given.  Those kids know just the right thing to say to get me to repeat my actions.  They fill my bucket, until it overflows, with prasies and kind words of gratitude. They are thoughtful and kind and don't forget to say "Thank You".  Because they have learned how important "Thank You" is in this life.  Not just to me, but to everyone who does nice things for us.

I say, "Thank You" to my kids, who show appreciation for the things done for them.  I love my kids.

 Love, Me

ps.  Anxiety prevents me from taking photos....sorry.  That is for another day.  You can bet I will repeat this meal and share it with you, along with the recipes.  They are great.