
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wind In Idaho

Some days in Idaho are gray and cloudy.  The sky literally touches the earth.  The clouds hang low on the foothills and everything is quiet.  The clouds absorb the sound from the traffic on the busy streets.

Some days are bright and sunny.  Even in January.  This year we have had a very warm January.  Nearly every day has been 40 degrees or higher.  The nights get chilly, sometimes in single digits and other nights it is still in the 30's.

And some days the wind blows.

It can blow very hard.  Hard enough that your make up flys off your face.
It can blow very hard.  Hard enough that your hair goes up and down faster than you can jump.

It can even blow over the little houses the pigs built.

Do you remember that childhood poem?

Do you remember the second little pig, who built his house out of sticks?

"The second little pig met a man with a bundle of sticks, and said, "Please, man, give me that bundle of sticks to build a house." Which the man did, and the pig built his house.

Then along came the wolf, and said, "Little pig, little pig, let me come in."

"No, no, not by the hair of my chiny chin chin."

"Then I'll puff, and I'll huff, and I'll blow your house in." So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down, and he ate up the little pig."

In Idaho, we don't need a wolf to blow our little houses made of sticks over.  Our little houses have to fight the brave fight of the wind.

Some little houses made of sticks don't do so well.

Love, Me

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