
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Swans In Dirt

Whenever I think of swans, I picture them in water.  Surrounded by beautiful trees, flowing water, swans should be in water.

But in Idaho, they aren't always in water.  I didn't really know this until recently.

We took a drive through the dry farm land with some dear friends.  We were going to see a potato cellar, full of potatoes.  That might sound weird to some of you, but for me, it sounds wonderful.  Especially, since farming potatoes is the backbone of this region in our country.  And the fact that I worked many years in the potato harvest.

But, today I want to tell you about the swans.

It is dry and dusty these days, as winter has forgotten to come and visit us this year.  With the temperature in the low 40's it seems more like March, but it is still January.  I looked at the calendar to be sure.

We were driving on the country gravel road.  Headed north to a potato cellar.  When we saw a flock of swans flying across the road.  I was stunned to see swans flying this time of year, and out in the farm land, the rural country side.  Where in the heck were those swans going?  We had to find out.

These magical, stately birds were wondering in a field.  I don't know what they were looking for.  It is well past harvest time, so the fields are bare.  The swans strutted about as if they owned the place.

I see these beauties on the Snake River.  They belong in the water in the Snake River.  They have a better food source there.  But, maybe the river is crowded these days with geese and ducks....I don't know. 

Maybe swans aren't very sociable and they don't want to be seen with the lower birds species, like geese and ducks.  Maybe the swans are a proud sort.  Too good for "those others".

Well, whatever their personalities are, they didn't mind me at all.  They didn't fly away.  They just sat there.  Doing whatever they were doing. 

I think they better go get a that meal looks dry and boring.

Oh, one last thing before I go.  I have to tell you about the gray looking swans.  That is last years goslings.  The babies from last year.  My, how they have grown.

OK, I can let you go now.  I just had to tell you about that, the gray thing, the babies, the little important facts that clutter my mind.

Love, Me

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