
Monday, November 7, 2011

Garage Sale

My garage is really quite big.  It is big enough for our car and our truck.  And it should be big enough for our car and our truck. But, the problem is....we also have had lots and lots of, as our neighbor says, "stuff".  Yes, we have had many boxes that were still not unpacked from our move.  They were boxes of the "stuff" we didn't know if we needed or not, so we moved those boxes 1,000  miles, piled them in the large garage and let them sit through 2 fall seasons, one winter season and one summer season.  As the second winter season approaches we knew we HAD to do something about those boxes.

The problem has been we felt the need to purchase a couple of 4 wheelers and play ever so much this summer.  We used our 5th wheel, and even talked our friends into buying a camp trailer. That meant time away from home and our garage.  And then we planted this garden, which produced like little rabbits.  That meant canning and freezing everything I could get harvested from the garden.  But, having my own garden wasn't enough, because I have friends with apples and plums and ...... well, I thought it would never the garage was the last thing on the list.

Reality hit us a week ago, when the temperatures started to drop and we knew fall was near the end.  That reminded us about all the boxes in the garage.  So, DH and I looked each other in the eye, and we had a conversation. 

Me:  "Honey, how do you feel about having that garage sale we have talked about having one for over a year now"?

DH:  "Sweetheart, I think you are the smartest woman on earth, and you can read minds.  I was thinking about that, too.  You are amazing".

Me:  "Dearest, I am what I am because of you.  And so is that garage what it is because of you.  How about a garage sale next weekend"?

DH:  "Darling, let's see what the weather report is and then decide".

Me:  "My love, the weather is going to be cold, windy, and possibly snow.  However, the weather man has been wrong before.  Let's get busy and get stuff out and priced.  I bet it will be okay".

DH:  "Sugar, you get everything priced and I will put up tables.  You get the signs made and I will put them around the neighborhood.  You write the ad for the paper and I will call them and have it put in the paper.  You talk to the neighbors and see if they will help and I will help, too".

 And that is just what the "little red hen did". 

Fridays weather was predicted to be rain and possible snow.
Fridays weather was high 40's and low 50's and sunny and not bad, in fact, it was a wonderful fall day.

We had a good day, lots of people came and bought.  We were happy to wave goodbye to so much of our "stuff".  We had a tall heater in the garage and it was pleasant and many shoppers commented on our wonderful heater. We could have served refreshments and because so many nice people came and visited and we simply had FUN.

8:00 am to 2:00 pm went quickly.  People continued to come as we were bringing things inside and closing up.  By 3:00 pm we had closed up shop.  Our neighbors joined us and we went out to dinner to celebrate the fact we finally had the garage sale.  We spent a leisurely 2 hours at dinner.  We laughed and ate till we would pop.....we love Mexican food, and the chips and salsa just keep coming so we keep eating..... that is how we do it here.

Then DH and I said we had to get groceries so we finally brought the celebration to an end.  We spent the next 40 minutes in Win Co Grocery Store filling our grocery cart with fresh produce and cookies.  When we opened the door to leave the market the sun had set and it was dark outside.  A very cold wind hit us in the face and there was 1 inch of snow on the ground.  And the snow was still coming down...and down and down, or rather, was blowing and snowing sideways.  That is known in these parts as a blizzard.

Now, remember, we were having a two day garage sale.  So, when we saw the snow we immediately started placing bets in Vegas as to the likelihood of us having anyone attend our sale in the morning.  Well, we really didn't place bets in Vegas, but you can imagine what our conversation was like.

When we woke up Saturday morning we had about 2 inches of snow on the ground, and a horizontal snow blowing blizzard in the air.  It was 21 degrees. The driveway and sidewalk was a half inch of ice.  Not exactly the best conditions for a garage sale.

We lite the heater in the garage, added a few more items to sell and in 20 minutes we had seen the whites of eyes of 3 shoppers.  We had made $4.00.  The clock ticked.  And ticked.  And tick tocked.  An hour passed, and no one came.  Tick Tock, Tick Tock.....Then we started boxing up our unsold treasures and we knew we would not be seeing enough people on this cold snowy day, to make it worth our time.

We had the truck bed loaded with a baby crib, and some larger items and we were freezing....really.  A car pulled up just then and the driver was a lady, so lively and quick..... and she said, "I was here yesterday and saw a baby crib.  Do you still have it?  Oh, there in your truck, can I buy it"?

Why, of course madame.  We loaded it into her car, and counted another $20.00 into our not so bulging pockets.

By now, you must be bored half to death.  But, I just wanted to tell you that all the "stuff" is gone from our garage.  The sale took place.  The "leftovers" have been driven to our local Deseret Industries and we are done.  We have a garage empty enough to park 2 vehicles in.  It is swept clean and wonderful.  I think I will wait for a warm day, maybe in 5 months or so, and invite our neighbors over to have dinner in our garage.  Or on our deck, which is covered and way more fun.  But it is nice to know that we could do it in our garage if we wanted to.  Oh, what a wonderful feeling, oh, what a wonderful day!!!

*listen closely*  You will hear me and DH having another conversation.  Because now I can see the Christmas decorations and it is snowing outside, and another holiday is on its way.  If we start now, we might be ready on time.......... and...................

Me:  "Oh, Darling................"

DH: "Oh, Sweetheart, and the answer is, NO".

Oh, how I love that man!

Love, The Lady with the Clean Garage

ps. I was too busy to take any pictures.  I regret that, very much.  As it was quite a sight to behold.

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