
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Is Coming

I have loved Halloween for as long as I can remember.

I have decorated very elaborately some years, and other years I barely found time to buy candy for the trick or treaters.

In Arizona we would sit out on our driveways in lawn chairs.  We would have a big bowl of candy, because we would typically have 150 kids come between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. All the neighbors did it. We would chat to each other during the evening.  It was a great night.  It was always warm.  Some little girls would arrive in their dance recital costumes with spaghetti straps and bare legs.  It was warm so they got to wear those outfits again.

I have dressed up for Halloween most years.  It is a tradition.  And some years my older kids would join me, all dressed up, and we gave out the candy.

One year we had a large cardboard box decorated like a table. The box was open on the bottom and my son in law sat inside of the big box.  We had cut out a circle for him to put his head through.  We had a hat sitting over the cut out circle.  As the trick or treaters would come to the house they would have to stand near that big box while I gave out candy.  And in the middle of filling the treat bags the hat would slowly start to raise up, and the scary painted face of my son in law would appear. The kids loved it!
Another year my son joined me on Halloween night.  Both of us dressed up.  He was one of the 3 Musketeers.  His hair was long, very long, and curly.  He was a great Musketeer.  I was painted up and wore a black satin cape my Aunt Erma had made.  We had a great time.  We greeted the little kids and ushered them up to the house to get the candy.

Things are different here in Idaho now.  It is turning fall, and will probably be chilly by Halloween night.  I don't dress up now.  We don't get many kids who come trick or treating.  But, I still feel that excitement.  This is the time of year  I watch the full moon.  I still think I will see the silhouette of a witch flying through the sky.  The presence of bats and ghosts are a possibility.  I hope I never lose the imagination of my childhood.

Yep, I still need to have something scary and mysterious around me during October.  Orange lights, pumpkins, and fall leaves aren't enough.  I need children.....who still believe.

I hope all of you are enjoying the season of mysterious things and creaks and thumps in the night.

Have a wonderful October and Halloween.

Love, Me

1 comment:

  1. Me too!! Halloween is my favorite. It was a bummer when I found out how trick or treating is done now. Where I am, we do Truck or Treating. People come park around the church house parking lot, they decorate the insides of their cars, dress up, and the kids walk around to the different cars. Some make doughnut booths, some cider booths, some have vans/horse trailers that are mini spook alleys.
    Hope you have a great halloweener!! :)
