
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Computer Fads, Interests and Time Wasted

I have to admit, I don't spend much time on the Internet, well, not like I used to.

There was a time......a long time ago, when I found out about Chat Rooms....then there was....well, it all started because of a chat room in Australia.  But, that was a very long time ago.  Seems like a life time ago.

Now, there is another way to pass the has a new name....which is just another name for addiction......Pintrest.

Yep, I have the fever.

It all started when I was following a blog from a lady in Utah.  It is
and she has the best ideas.

I love her tablescapes.  Especially one from today, and making S'mores.  For Halloween.... you must check it out.  Kids and grownups would love it!  I am going to do it.  I have neighbors who will join me. Or I will do a romantic evening with DH, or by myself.  I don't care.  But I am going to do it.

So, anyway, back to Pintrest.

This is where I learned about it.

If you don't know what it is, find out!

I found out about quotes...which, as you know, I love.  I would embroidery all of the quotes I ever hear, if, I had time...

But I really liked this one.
It would be great on a book cover.
On a wall in a kids room.
On a door as we leave our homes.

Pinned Image

Hope you find time to find out about Pintrest......You can be lost there for days........

Love, Me

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