
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Love Some Bugs and DH

We went on a 35 mile 4 wheel trip last weekend.  Yes, it was long, and I loved it.
I am working on a blog about it, and the people we were with.

In the meantime, I must share a few photos with you.

The photos were taken when I stopped to "smell the roses".

I wish I had see through wings, don't you?
I could be an angel with those wings.

Busy little bees aren't they?

Maybe I would rather be a ladybug.  They seem to be more likable than a bee.

Can you find the ladybug?

It is like "Where is Waldo?"

I think I would rather be "The apple of his eye."

I love my Darling Husband!

Happy Birthday, yesterday my love.

Hugs and kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to hubby too!

    Beautiful photos.

    I did a blog on Pinterest - those luscious looking pancakes on my sidebar - just click on them or follow this link

    Pinterest is like a bulletin board/boards of things you and others see on the web that they like. If you like something and want to save it to a board, you press a "pin it" on your tool bar and it saves it on your board. You can follow people so when they "pin" something, it comes up on your main board. If you like it too, then you can "repin" it and add it to one of your boards. That way you don't have to be printing things off and making copies or forgetting where you saw something! I love it. I get to see so many ideas from blogs and the web without having to spend tons of time looking around. You just have to go to They want you to "apply" but they accept everyone. It might take a few days for them to get back to you so be patient.
