
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Heavy Fall Leaves

I love crafting most anything.
I love learning new crafts to craft.
And recently I learned a new one.

I learned how to make really heavy leaves.

Mother nature just blows me away with the leisurely way she creates leaves, colors leaves, shapes leaves, and places leaves.

Have you ever tried to make a leaf?

Well, I am going to tell you that it can be done.

You just need to have a friend named JoyLynn.
Your friend named JoyLynn needs to have a sister Diane.
Your friend JoyLynn with the sister Diane needs to have Diane come to your town.

It is that easy.

Then you get JoyLynn, Diane, Connie and yourself and you go shopping. 
You shop in The Home Depot, just like the man in your life does.
You get a big cart, the big flat cart, and you take turns maneuvering it through the store.
Try to pick up the displays you knock over with the big flat cart.

Then you buy stuff.

You buy some concrete, sand, a wheel barrow, shovel, water, rubber gloves, face mask, spatula, some talent, a big table, a room where it can be left for days and days, plastic, circulation, and some patience.  Then you need some paint, like acrylic paint, and some sealant.  And, I probably forgot something to tell you, but that will get you started.

When you get home, you find the closest testosterone filled male species to help you unload the car.
You tell said male species to quit asking so many questions.

Oh, I forgot to tell you to get some real leaves. The kind with different shapes and sizes and texture.

You pick leaves you like from your yard, your neighbors yard, and a yard that you like but don't know the people who live there, so you don't ask them.
I happen to love a rhubarb leaf.  I happen to think the bigger the better.  But that is just me.

Disclaimer:  The previous photos are not edited.  They are straight out of the camera, on a cloudy day.

Yes, the leaves are heavy.  They are made out of CONCRETE.
And they are gorgeous in real life, and in the sunshine, and in person, and fresh.

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