Oh, the peace and beauty. The thrill of the clean white snow. The best part is getting to stay home and not going outside in all this beauty.
Sleeping until you want to get up. Eating breakfast when you want to. Reading the Sunday paper on Tuesday. Just simple life in the country.
Until the dogs want to go outside. Then the plain simple life gets very complicated, very quickly.
After the first morning "potty" break for the dogs they were quarantined into the utility room. There, one by one, I took the scissors to their legs and cut off any extra, not required to survive the winter, hair. Each one baulked at me. They tried to bite me. They whined. They snarled! They were given treats and stalwartly I continued to remove the extra length of hair.
By the time I had 12 legs done it was time for them to go back outside. Crap Dangit!
This afternoon the sun is shinning. The sky is no longer cloudy and gray, but rather the familiar bright blue. The snow is melting. The rain gutter is dripping. The driveway is dry. The lawn is peeking through the snow in a place or two. The deck is showing some clean spots without snow. And I am actually kind of relived. I know the snow will be back. But this was a good wake up call for me.
I have compiled a list of things I need to survive this coming winter. My list is quickly filling the small tablet I am writing in.
1. Snow shovel.
No, I do not intend to ever use it, but my DH will have to do something when he gets here.
2. Snow boots.
I would rather stay inside by the fire I think, but just in case of emergency I better have some reliable foot covering.
3. Mittens
My dear friend Kelsey's package arrived today. I now have mittens. They are soft and warm. They are better than anything I have shopped for in the stores! I will tell you, you must go on Etsy and get some of Kelsey's mittens. Even in the house I can wear these mittens.
Tomorrow I will show you pictures of the mittens....
You will want some................
You might die if you don't get some......................
She used the idea of Bella's mittens from the recent movie, Twilight................
Yeah, I knew you would want some.....
Even if you don't live where you get 5 inches of snow in one day, you will want to have a pair or two of these wonderful mittens.
So come back tomorrow, I will tell you how to get some, where to get them, how much they cost, and show you what they look like on.
You will order some for your loved ones for Christmas! And Kelsey can mail them to the person who needs them.....It is the best gift you will give this year!!
Come back tomorrow.... {by then I will have taken the pictures of them}
For now, Ta Ta :)