
Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Love Saturday

Saturday is a day I sleep later that the other days.
I don't set an alarm clock for anything, not ever....

Today, I got up early for a Saturday.
I think it was about 8:00 am.
I had an appointment at 9:30 am.  People were coming to see me.  They came and they left.
They were a few bucks lighter and I was a washer and dryer lighter.  That works for me!

Then, my day really began.
My darling daughter and I jumped in the car and headed to ...................................

Yeah!  I love Saturday.

We have two markets.  One is pretty close to my house and one is about 3 miles away..."downtown" as the locals say.  (and I crack up to think 3 miles is far.... I crack up every time!!!)

So, my Darling Husband, I know you are reading this, so this one is for you babe!
I am going to make some chili sauce this next week and fill all those pint jars we moved here.
Does it make you mouth water?

And, then I know you love Banana Squash. 
This will be waiting for you.  I am keeping it in the garage now, but will move it to the basement soon.
It is a big one.  We will eat for days and nights on this baby!

The light green squash below is a new one for me.  It is a ______ sweet.  I'll be darned if I can remember the name of it.  It is supposed to be better than pumpkin for pumpkin pies.  Sweet and delicious.  The man guaranteed it to me.  I trust him.  He looked like a farmer. 

Now, let me explain this next picture. The onions were previously viewed by this viewing audience...they are from Connie and Norman's garden. But the squash in front of them, well that is new. And so is that dark Hubbard squash behind the onions. 

They are safely guarded in the garage by the back door.  I am making sure they are cool enough, and in a place where they will be loved, until I can talk my darling daughter to carry them downstairs for me.  She is great!  She does this errand for me all the time.  She has strong legs.

I know your mouth is watering.  I know you are aching to eat these babies.
I will try (like, try hard) to save them for you.

On my counter is another Spaghetti Squash.  I am cooking that for dinner tonight.  Sorry, but I love these!  I just plop them on the counter, cut them the long way, hollow out the seeds, and place it in a shallow pan and in some water and into the microwave for about 15 minutes.

To serve it gets a little butter and salt and pepper.  YYuummmmmm!  I adore Spaghetti Squash!

Now, these light green items are, *drum roll* another variety of Zucchini Squash.  Yep, that's right.  I don't know how long they will last.  They could end up shredded and frozen for Zucchini Bread this winter.  They could be sliced and fried with fresh tomatoes and served over noodles (that is a recipe from my childhood) or they might go into a salad.  I just never know about Zucchini.

I have a little Chef that is anxiously waiting for me to wash them and put them away. 
Isn't that little Chef just the cutest?
I love him.
I appreciate that he is a little crowded on the counter, so later I will try and give him back his "pad".

Now, about the chili sauce.
These veggies are right out of someones garden, dirt and all.
They are fresh!
They are crisp!
I am in heaven just looking at them.

Please ignore the dirt still on the container.  It is directly from THE FARMERS MARKET.

But, I couldn't let the veggies have all the fun.
I had to get some fruit so I would have a good balanced diet.
Plums, freshly picked off a tree.
Apples, Idaho apples I may add.
And some nectarines. 
Oh, yes.
Vitamins are just jumping off the counter at me!

The apples were sold "by the peck".
Isn't that the best!

They had 1/4 peck, 1/2 peck and a whole peck.
I bought a 1/4 peck.  Of Idaho apples!  *smiling*

I love you, a bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck
And a hug around the neck.
A bushel and a peck
And a hug around the neck.

Does any one know this song?  I do.  My mom and I sang it when I was little.  While we did the dishes.
Today, kids miss out on memories like that.  They don't get to learn the songs from the 40's. 
Today kids sing The Beatles and think that is old.  It isn't.
Mom's out there...... do the dishes by hand with your kids, and sing!!!!  Sing loudly!!!

Oh, and I bought some fresh eggs!  They are brown.  But I didn't take their picture.  I am lazy.  I forgot.
Just imagine my refrigerator with brown eggs in there.  Yep.  I knew you could do it.  You can see them can't you?  I know.  They are beautiful.  Thanks.

So, to my Lover and my Friend..... I am waiting for you.  I have gone before you prepare a place for you.  I am preparing a home for you.  With a food storage room full of yummy stuff.

I love you.  N+2


  1. It all looks wonderful! You are making me jealous daily! Missed you today at church. And I think you are thinking of sweet meat squash? Love you

  2. I pitty the people who have only eaten tomatoes and squash from a grocery store. I am like one of the lost boys from Peter Pan. As I am eating my microwave supper in the fifth wheel I am imagining a lushous feast that you have prepared for me with all the trimmings. Soon my love, soon.
