
Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday Evening Drive

Our dear neighbors, Connie and Norman, have a garden plot out of town.
The stake is letting some of the land be used by the members of the church to plant gardens.
The members plant, weed and harvest their own crops.

So, Sunday evening we drove to the garden plot of Connie and Norman's.  The sun was getting lower in the sky and our shadows were long.The air was calm, not even a slight breeze. 

Last week we had a couple of cold nights and some of the gardens froze.  The big squash leaves and zucchini leaves are very frost tender and usually get nipped first.  However, the produce is untouched.  Norman found some perfect ready to pick zucchini for us. 

Connie, she didn't want her picture taken.. I don't know why...she is beautiful!  She is as beautiful now as she was when I met her in Junior High School and whole bunch of years ago.  Kattie even got out my high school year books yesterday to look at Connie.  She hasn't changed!  She is gorgeous...Yes, I say, Beautiful!

Connie is sweet, thoughtful, kind, understanding, and quiet. She was recently released as Relief Society President of our ward.  She is a perfect RS Pres.  Norman, well, he is a lot like me.  He is out going, opinionated, giving, kind, sarcastic, generous, loving, thoughtful, and he cusses sometimes.  And I love them both. 

This is the face Norman pulles  if   when my dogs bark at him.  He doesn't seem to "get it" that he just makes them bark more when he does this.  Heck, I almost bark at him.  Wouldn't you?

But truly, Norman would give us the shirt off his back if we needed it.  He has offered their washer and dryer to us to use whenever we have laundry to do.  He gave me the combination to their garage, so I can steal  use anything I need if they aren't home. If we need a ladder, we can borrow it.  If we need a couch, he sees to it we have one moved from his basement to our house.  He is "thee best" neighbor and have I said how much I love him.

Connie makes sure I meet all the other neighbors.  She makes sure I have plenty of food.  She takes me to all the ward activities.  We go shopping together.  And now, she picks a Spaghetti Squash and gives that to us as well.  She is, without a doubt, "thee best neighbor".  She made a beautiful table runner for me.  She brings me produce from their garden all the time.  She drove me to her garden a few weeks ago and we picked onions and zucchini.  She is the reason we found our home.  She works at the bank and used her position to help us get a good interest rate, financing, whatever we need.....etc.....whatever....she is so unbelievably wonderful.

And she is a good golfer.

So, on this Sunday evening, in September, in Idaho..... we went for a drive. We went to the garden, we picked corn, cucumbers, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and beans.  Yummmmm.

We also walked around the pumpkin patch, of 2 acres, that belong to the Stake.  It was fun to see all the big yellow and orange balls that are growing pumpkins.  Charlie Brown would have loved being with us.

Then it was time to go home.  Time to wash our produce and put it away.  Time to tell our daughters how much we love our neighbors and their willingness to share all that they have with us.  Time to invite them into our home to eat Triple Berry Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream.  We wanted them to share our love and our calories we still had from V's birthday pie. 

The love we feel from our many neighbors and the memories we are making with them is a joy.  The Indian Summer is what we have missed.  The feeling of fall in the air.  The days are getting shorter.  The sun is hot, the air is cool.  Soup is on the menu once a week.

Yep.  Sunday evening drives is just what we have wanted to do.

1 comment:

  1. :-) I'm so glad you have such great friends to share your retirement with! :)
