
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It is September

My favorite month of the year is September.

Saying the word gives me shivers down my back.  I love this month.  I grew up loving this month and nothing has changed.

1.  In Idaho, kids go back to school, and get to see their friends and get new clothes.

2.  September means it is time for the Eastern Idaho State Fair.  One of my most favorite things in the entire world is getting to go to the fair.  The smell of the hamburgers.  The animals exhibits. Winning a stuffed animal. Eating scones, Indian Fry Bread, going to a concert, eating ice cream on a stick, watching people, eating nachos, ..... the fun never ends.  And you get to wear a Hoodie, or shorts.  Everyday is different.

3.  September is my birthday.  Everyone loves the month of their birthday.

4.  September is the welcoming of fall.  The air is cooler, but the sun stays warm.  The clouds come in and blow across the sky so fast.  Rain visits several days during September.  I love rain.

5.  September is the month that daughter #2 is coming to visit and bring my baby boy to visit.  I get to hold him, snuggle him, spoil him, watch him, see his laugh, hear his sounds, and smell him.

6.  September is the time to plant bulbs, trees, and things that you plant in the fall.  Those things will grow in the spring, so I will look forward to the spring.

7.  September is when all my favorite shows come back on TV.  American Idol, Grays Anatomy, Dancing with the Stars and Survivor.  I love those nights when I can finally curl up and watch TV. 

8.  It gets dark earlier.  The long hot summer days are ending and we get to rest more.  The season to hibernate is coming.

9.  This year September means more to me than any other year before.  It means my separation from V is coming to an end.  The Arizona house will be empty soon.  Someone else will live in that house.  And he will be with me.

10.  This September means that old saying, "parting makes the heart grow fonder" is more true than ever.  My DH and I have had more than a few days apart, on our own.  You see, we love each other very much.  If you love someone you need to be with them, close to them.  You need to be able to confide, to laugh together.  It's just about as important as breathing.   In the 41 years we have been married we have never been apart this long.  I can hardly breathe anymore.

I am so glad it is September.
I love September.  I most sincerely, truly, honestly, completely love this man!

1 comment:

  1. ohhhh I wish your #1 month included your #1 daughter coming too!! But that's ok #2 and Dad need a turn. I'm up in the mountains all by myself tonight and thinking of you sooo much. I can feel you here with me in everything I do. As I get my cocoa out so all I have to do is heat the water. As I get my washcloth ready to go in that hot water to wash my face, hands, and feet. As I get candles ready to light once the sun is gone so I am not using up my battery (seriously need some solar panels LOL). As i feel the breeze, hear the sounds of the forest, see the shadows lengthen, and smell the fresh cool clean air... everything reminds me of you. I miss you. I love you. And I'm so glad your sweetheart will be with you soon. :-)
