
Monday, June 28, 2010

Come on "Already"

Was it only yesterday that we took this picture....?

It seems like forever ago!

19 hours we have been waiting, since the little pill was placed to induce labor.
19 hours have pasted.
I got 2 hours of sleep last night...
Kattie and I kept texting.....

6:30 this morning I called her....
Nothing happening...
So, we jumped in the car...

Now it is 2:55....
And still Kattie is keeping us waiting...

So I keep thinking about the memories...

Sadie has been Kattie's baby for a long time.
Sadie is getting a brother...a real brother....the one who has a pe____.
Good luck with that Sadie.
Good luck with that Kattie.

Ok, now it is 3:20
Kate has been checked, poked, blood tests for her sugar levels...
Cervix checks, IV bags replaced, short naps,
Beeps, giggles, laughing..

And a Shamu show...
Yep, I should have taken a photo of that...
Water everywhere!
On the nurses scrubs and shoes,
And on the anesthesiologists shoes (who was on the other side of the bed)
A water fall off the side of the bed!
Yep, it was an event!

At this rate we will see the end of the World Cup,
Not just the game between Argentina and Brazil....
Which Argentina better win!
But the end of the whole game!

Well, room 310 is waiting... waiting... laughing..... walking down memory lane..
And watching Kate sleep.
She is doing great.
She wants it over...
We all want it over.

Oh, her sugars are low.... 61.
She is 23 hours since eating....
We all went to dinner at Nattyia's for Thai Food yesterday afternoon.
Best ever!!

Kattie, we are praying.... we are hoping.... we are cheering....
and we are waiting...

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