
Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Peanut" you can't come yet!!

So, preterm labor snuck up on us.  My sweet "middle child" thought  her tummy was having Braxton Hicks, but it was really preterm labor.....

I can't start at the beginning.... it is a long story.... so I will just say I drove to San Diego.  I brought one dog, Ivy, to play with Sadie.  I helped unload some kitchen dishes, and watched my daughter.  I observed.  And I knew pre term labor is what the "middle child" is having.

On Monday, we went to the hospital.  The little mommy was hooked up to monitors, had exams, (yep, that kind of exam) and had tests run.  She had her finger pricked and saw her blood sugar was very low, 57.  So, she was fed a sandwich and got her blood sugar up.  She was given a shot to stop the labor.  She was educated.

The following day we went to a new Dr.  She got to see a Real Dr. and learned what was going on in her life.  She learned about gestational diabetesPre term labor.  She learned premature baby boys who weigh plenty, but don't have grown up lungs yet are the product of Gestational Diabetes.  She learned her previous doctor didn't even have complete labs on her.  He didn't know her blood type.  He didn't know her CBC.  He didn't know she had sugar in her urine.  What she did know was she was in trouble with her pregnancy and called her mom.

This is what mom's do.  They drop everything to do what their kids need.  I am so thankful to be a mom.  Otherwise I wouldn't be in sunny cool southern California.  I would be sweating my guts out in Az.  I would be cleaning my house because strangers are still tromping through it to look at it.  Instead I am in sunny southern California and baking a turkey.  Making dressing.  Making dinners for freezer meals.  I am taking naps.  I am sitting in a darling back yard with my daughter... who is so pregnant.  So very pregnant.

We are picking a name... well, we are "trying on names".  She needs to be having 6 boys so we can use our favorites.... oh, she only has one boy in there... Thank Goodness... so she has to pick just one name.

Terbutaline is keeping the contractions at bay.  We are faithfully watching her schedule.  She is eating appropriately the foods she should, when she should, and pricking her finger 3 times a day checking her sugars. 

Although she is big, very big, she is uncomfortable, and has 6 weeks still to go, she is doing great.  We are having a wonderful time.  We talk, we laugh, and we relax.  We pray.  We ponder.  We give thanks.  Life is good.  Yes, Life Is Very Good.  We are very blessed.


  1. I have the most amazing mother, who is recovering from surgery and stands in the kitchen for HOURs preparing 6 meals, refilling water cups, going up and down stairs, smiling the entire time. You have more strength, and selflessness, than anyone can possibly know. I don't even know where to start in thanking you. I love you Mom. And I am so very blessed to be your daughter.

  2. There are not words to express my feelings :) But you both know :)
