In our family, there is one person who always gives the best Christmas gifts.
She puts so much thought into each gift.
It doesn't matter how much it costs, or where it was purchased.
She buys "for the person".
So, last Christmas she made several gifts.
One was really cute!
Well, they all were, but this one was really good.
It was made with two people in mind.
Both of those two people got the gift.
I think it made them laugh.
Recently, when I was visiting my daughter in California, I saw the gift.
I thought you might enjoy seeing it, too.
The curls on the top are to hang photos, jewelry, whatever.
It is the saying on the plaque that is special!
What a sense of humor!
She wood burned the letters into a pine board.
Ain't it cute???
Love, Me
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Arizona Sunsets
I love Idaho Sunsets.
And I love Arizona Sunsets.
Here are a few photos I took recently while in Arizona.
They will speak for themselves....
They are straight out of the editing!
And we were driving in the car and this is what we were looking into.
Just for the record. It is suppose to rain today in Idaho. So, I had to look at these. I wanted to remember.
Love, Me
And I love Arizona Sunsets.
Here are a few photos I took recently while in Arizona.
They will speak for themselves....
They are straight out of the editing!
And we were driving in the car and this is what we were looking into.
Just for the record. It is suppose to rain today in Idaho. So, I had to look at these. I wanted to remember.
Love, Me
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Encinitas is a quaint little town on the beach in Southern California. It is known to be a little eccentric. There are galleries, eateries, bookstores, tee-shirt stores, and lots of
On a recent family outing we went to some of our favorite places in Encinitas.
A swap meet, with new items is always a must. But, I think the economy is taking its toll on this one. We didn't buy any thing. That is very unusual for us. Someone can find something, usually.
Then we strolled the, not "that" kind of strolling. We are a nice decent family.
I had to copy right this photo. These handsome guys belong to me. I share on a limited bases.
Uncle Oliver just loves this little man. And that little man loves his uncle Oliver. They play games and tease each other. They throw footballs and basket balls and baseballs to each other. They are good buddies.
And Asher knows his "Ah-Dah" (grandpa in Asher language) will save him from Uncle Oliver. The three of them make really good friends, and play really fun games. And they tolerate the woman in their lives who make them walk the sidewalks of Encinitas and shop. They are great guys.
It took 2 ladies and 3 grown men to keep our eyes on this guy as we shopped.
We weren't very smart when we picked a "breakable" store to go in. But, it was something we had to do. We have to do this one store every time we go to Encinitas. We have to get inspiration from this store.
It is called "gar-den-ol-ogy". Isn't that the cutest name?
This is a cart they have outside of the store. It just sits quietly on the sidewalk, just to lure you into the store.
Once inside the store you have to just wipe the droll off your chin. It is very eclectic and right up my alley. (That translates to "I want to buy everything in here....but can't afford it")
It is full of one of a kind things.
I asked if I could take pictures....and they I told them, "I am a tourist, just visiting." Then they agreed I was free to take as many as I wanted. Enjoy myself. Make myself at home. They also said, "We ship to anywhere in the United States".
I got out my camera so you could see some of the fun stuff that I couldn't afford to buy or ship home.
This cute little 3 shelf unit was a meager $195.00. I thought about asking if they had two!
I think I saw one in the alley earlier. I am sure that is where this came from... but it was clean.
I had to copy right this photo, as well. No one would believe what the price was on that clock. Yes, that is the big hand of the clock with the price tag on it. The clock is made from
Remember this little guy. Now you know why none of us took our eyes off him. We couldn't afford him touching a single thing. We were insane to put him on the floor. His dad is standing right behind him ready to save the breakable items. But, Asher just wanted to touch the lines in the expensive table. He has really good taste.
$350.00 for this sign.
I would love to (someday) make one of these signs for my Aunt Deanne. She is the girl twin to my Uncle Dean, who is the boy twin to my Aunt Deanne. When they were little tiny kids they sang "You Are My Sunshine" together. It is one of those tunes that sticks in your head once you hear it. I can hear it now...and will for the next 17 hours. It is just one of those kinds of songs.
Now, remember we are near the beach, where sea shells are found all the time. We are near the beach so anything to do with the beach is a great way to decorate.
Then I saw a plate of sea shells.
I didn't lift up this plate to see how much it cost.....I figured I could take scuba diving lessons and get my own shells near Balize for less money. But, you have to admit.... they are spectacular shells.
Maybe these shells are from a different ocean. One where giant underwater creatures live.
I think I will check out Amazon for this book. I don't know why..... because I don't need some book to tell me what I already know. I am happy. And I love this year. But, some people would like this on the coffee table I suppose.
*Sorry, I don't mean to sound so smug! I am sincere when I realize I am a happy woman. Truly.*
Now, this book I could totally check out Amazon for. I love the cover! And the insides is great, too.
Even though I live rather casually now, this just has "style" that I don't have.
Cool book, don't 'cha think?
I totally dig that table on the cover. Maybe I can talk Mr. DH to recreate it for me.....someday.
But THIS BOOK.... oh, I fell in love.
I am going to recreate this someday......................... hope I live long enough.
This store was full of such wonderful things.
Candles, wrapping paper, lotions, lacey sheets, white crisp die for.
And then I LOOKED UP... and saw this!
Someone, quick, get me some smelling salts! I am going to faint. (How am I going to explain to DH that I am having this shipped home....?) I have to tell you I fell in love. I think every girl should have something like this in her home, somewhere..... Where would I put it???? I guess I need a different home for this. OK, I passed it up, too.... dang!
If you are ever walking on the sidewalks of Ensinitas and you see this little must go inside the store and check out the beautiful stuff they have. You will drool.... be warned.
You might see the store front and the display. That might get your attention. It is just an appetizer for you to come in and see all the unique things they have. Very "one of a kind" things. My kind of things.....Not practical, but fun. Very very very fun.
Where would you put this..?
I think I better get a job here, and stay here and sleep on the beds and the crisp linens and earn some money and hope I get a really good discount....and.....dream about this stuff.......
They heard what I was thinking.....
So, if I can't be found living in Idaho you will find me living near the Pacific Coast Highway.
I will be the one with the really skinny wallet
Love, Me
Monday, March 19, 2012
Cherished Family Heirlooms
When I was a little girl, our family lived next door to my paternal grandparents.
My grandmother was so talented.
She sewed.
She crocheted.
She cooked.
She gardened.
She was a wonderful example to me.
She taught me the first sewing skills I ever learned.
In High School I took Home Economics, which is a class no longer available to high school students. I was taught how to cook and sew in that class. The teens today really miss out on the home making skills that I took for granted. But, I have regressed. I was telling you about my grandmother. I always got A's because my grandmother helped me. When I had to learn how to put in a zipper, I went next door and let grandma help me. She knew all that kind of stuff.
Grandma had a blue cookie jar which always sat on her counter.
She had a tiny little kitchen, and not much counter space. The cookie jar sat on the right side of the little kitchen window, under the small bank of over head cabinets. That cookie jar was always there, and always full. It was always filled with homemade cookies. She made raisin filled cookies all the time.
When she passed away, my mom was in charge of taking care of cleaning out the house. She said, "What would you like of grandma's?" It was easy for me to answer, "Her cookie jar."
I got the cookie jar.
I have not paid proper justice to the cookie jar, while it has been in my care. I cherish it, so I have kept it put away. I didn't ever want to take the chance it would get broken. When my children were smaller, I tucked it away. As the children have grown, I have kept it tucked away. Recently, I was cleaning out some things in the pantry and found the cookie jar. It was hidden behind the wild rice, powdered buttermilk, and potato pearls. It doesn't belong there!
It doesn't match a single thing in my house. I don't do blue. But, it is time to bring it out. It shouldn't be tucked away. It should have never been tucked away!!!
I love the look of the chef.
I love the crackle of the glass.
I love the faded spots and the old spots.
I love that it has aged.
It is stained and has a tiny little chip on his apron.
That chef is my bosom buddy. I have missed him.
He is right in style with his long hair, hanging in his eyes.
It is a cute little comb over, just like Justin Beiber......sort of!
He fits into my family.
He even looks like me.
I fold arms just like that!!
I always put the left over right hand..... always.
I wear aprons when I cook.
I have several, but I don't have a blue one.
Just saying.
His head makes the best little handle.
His body hold all the cookies.
Even though he isn't really very big, he is big enough.
He even wears his pants long and hangs on the ground when he walks.
I do that, too.
Will that ever go out of style?
He is now back in Idaho.
He needs to not be tucked away.
He needs to be filled with cookies.
My dad loves cookies.
I can imagine him putting his little boy hands in the chef to get a cookie.
Maybe this cookie jar is why he loves cookies so much.
It probably has good memories for him, as well.
So, if you come to my house, and you see the old blue cookie jar, don't be surprised. Don't wonder about the random blue. Or the old cookie jar. Because, if you know me, you know that I love it.
He is going to sit with my other chefs. They party everyday on top of the cabinets and keep me company when I am home alone. They are great secret keepers. They never tell anyone when I cheat and eat foods that should be not consumed other than meal time. I just love friends like that.
I have several old funny things in my house. Some of them tell a story, and some are just cute. Each funny odd item is special to me for some unknown reason. Most of the time I couldn't tell you reason, I just know it belongs to me.
However, I know the reason for this old blue chef cookie jar.
And for me, that is enough.
Love, Me
ps....what do you you think about Oreo's?
Oh, never mind. I have him sitting high enough that I couldn't reach them anyway.
My grandmother was so talented.
She sewed.
She crocheted.
She cooked.
She gardened.
She was a wonderful example to me.
She taught me the first sewing skills I ever learned.
In High School I took Home Economics, which is a class no longer available to high school students. I was taught how to cook and sew in that class. The teens today really miss out on the home making skills that I took for granted. But, I have regressed. I was telling you about my grandmother. I always got A's because my grandmother helped me. When I had to learn how to put in a zipper, I went next door and let grandma help me. She knew all that kind of stuff.
Grandma had a blue cookie jar which always sat on her counter.
She had a tiny little kitchen, and not much counter space. The cookie jar sat on the right side of the little kitchen window, under the small bank of over head cabinets. That cookie jar was always there, and always full. It was always filled with homemade cookies. She made raisin filled cookies all the time.
When she passed away, my mom was in charge of taking care of cleaning out the house. She said, "What would you like of grandma's?" It was easy for me to answer, "Her cookie jar."
I got the cookie jar.
I have not paid proper justice to the cookie jar, while it has been in my care. I cherish it, so I have kept it put away. I didn't ever want to take the chance it would get broken. When my children were smaller, I tucked it away. As the children have grown, I have kept it tucked away. Recently, I was cleaning out some things in the pantry and found the cookie jar. It was hidden behind the wild rice, powdered buttermilk, and potato pearls. It doesn't belong there!
It doesn't match a single thing in my house. I don't do blue. But, it is time to bring it out. It shouldn't be tucked away. It should have never been tucked away!!!
I love the look of the chef.
I love the crackle of the glass.
I love the faded spots and the old spots.
I love that it has aged.
It is stained and has a tiny little chip on his apron.
That chef is my bosom buddy. I have missed him.
He is right in style with his long hair, hanging in his eyes.
It is a cute little comb over, just like Justin Beiber......sort of!
He fits into my family.
He even looks like me.
I fold arms just like that!!
I always put the left over right hand..... always.
I wear aprons when I cook.
I have several, but I don't have a blue one.
Just saying.
His head makes the best little handle.
His body hold all the cookies.
Even though he isn't really very big, he is big enough.
He even wears his pants long and hangs on the ground when he walks.
I do that, too.
Will that ever go out of style?
He is now back in Idaho.
He needs to not be tucked away.
He needs to be filled with cookies.
My dad loves cookies.
I can imagine him putting his little boy hands in the chef to get a cookie.
Maybe this cookie jar is why he loves cookies so much.
It probably has good memories for him, as well.
So, if you come to my house, and you see the old blue cookie jar, don't be surprised. Don't wonder about the random blue. Or the old cookie jar. Because, if you know me, you know that I love it.
He is going to sit with my other chefs. They party everyday on top of the cabinets and keep me company when I am home alone. They are great secret keepers. They never tell anyone when I cheat and eat foods that should be not consumed other than meal time. I just love friends like that.
I have several old funny things in my house. Some of them tell a story, and some are just cute. Each funny odd item is special to me for some unknown reason. Most of the time I couldn't tell you reason, I just know it belongs to me.
However, I know the reason for this old blue chef cookie jar.
And for me, that is enough.
Love, Me
ps....what do you you think about Oreo's?
Oh, never mind. I have him sitting high enough that I couldn't reach them anyway.
Crazy Kids
I have Crazy Kids,
But I love 'em.
I love their attitudes on life.
I love their willingness to tend my dogs when I leave home.
I love being their hairdresser.
I love being taught by them.
I owe everything I know about computers to my crazy kids.
I love the fact that they are so remarkably like my mom.
I love how they tell me how to organize my life and my pantry.
I love how they cause me to loose sleep.
I love how they call me often, just to touch base and to say "I love you".
I love how they don't let me make mistakes, like raise chickens.
I love how they park their cars in the driveway, blocking my car in the garage.
I love how they take exotic trips and ask me to tend their dogs.
I love how they tell me about their trips and bring me something from foreign countries.
I love how they appreciate my cooking.
I love how they let me tell them what to do, when they are in my kitchen.
I love how they let me tell them what to do at other times, as well.
I love how they anticipate dart games, camping, and the fireworks on the river.
I love my crazy kids.
I love that they support me in whatever I am up to.
I love the willing way they help me with projects.
I love watching them mature and become well adjusted adults.
Well, I love watching them!
I even love this one.
Love, Me
But I love 'em.
I love their attitudes on life.
I love their willingness to tend my dogs when I leave home.
I love being their hairdresser.
I love being taught by them.
I owe everything I know about computers to my crazy kids.
I love the fact that they are so remarkably like my mom.
I love how they tell me how to organize my life and my pantry.
I love how they cause me to loose sleep.
I love how they call me often, just to touch base and to say "I love you".
I love how they don't let me make mistakes, like raise chickens.
I love how they park their cars in the driveway, blocking my car in the garage.
I love how they take exotic trips and ask me to tend their dogs.
I love how they tell me about their trips and bring me something from foreign countries.
I love how they appreciate my cooking.
I love how they let me tell them what to do, when they are in my kitchen.
I love how they let me tell them what to do at other times, as well.
I love how they anticipate dart games, camping, and the fireworks on the river.
I love my crazy kids.
I love that they support me in whatever I am up to.
I love the willing way they help me with projects.
I love watching them mature and become well adjusted adults.
Well, I love watching them!
I even love this one.
Love, Me
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Pinterest Addiction / Dishes
I have dishes in the dishwasher to unload.
I have laundry in the hamper to wash.
I have a dog that needs groomed.
There are moldy grapes on the kitchen counter, .......
Garbage's need dumped.
I haven't showered today.
And all I want to do is look at other peoples stuff on Pinterest.
I have some true loves and I look for them, on Pinterest.
I love old dishes.
And I found someone who has a set like mine.
I don't have sugar cookies, or roses, but...... that is possible.
I don't have the tea pot either...... hummmm.
However, I do have a lace tablecloth.
I don't have a matching butter dish.......
But, I do have a nice platter.
Just in case my DH is reading this, while he is away from home, and wants to bring me home a wonderful surprise, I think I have dropped a few hints.
I don't have a cabinet to display the dishes in either.
I really like the bead board on the back of this cabinet.
In sharing my life on the www, I am going to share a thought I am having.
I miss you honey.
I am spending my time on Pinterest, and not out shopping (today).
It is raining and I think I will cook instead.
Maybe I will set a pretty table for my dinner.
I miss you, ever so much my DH!
Love, Me
ps. my phone won't text. I think it will need to be upgraded soon.
pss. I love you!
pss. I am going to unload the dishes I have in the dishwasher now. And clean out my cabinets and make room for ......for........more dishes.
I have laundry in the hamper to wash.
I have a dog that needs groomed.
There are moldy grapes on the kitchen counter, .......
Garbage's need dumped.
I haven't showered today.
And all I want to do is look at other peoples stuff on Pinterest.
I have some true loves and I look for them, on Pinterest.
I love old dishes.
And I found someone who has a set like mine.
I don't have sugar cookies, or roses, but...... that is possible.
I don't have the tea pot either...... hummmm.
However, I do have a lace tablecloth.
I don't have a matching butter dish.......
But, I do have a nice platter.
Just in case my DH is reading this, while he is away from home, and wants to bring me home a wonderful surprise, I think I have dropped a few hints.
I don't have a cabinet to display the dishes in either.
I really like the bead board on the back of this cabinet.
In sharing my life on the www, I am going to share a thought I am having.
I miss you honey.
I am spending my time on Pinterest, and not out shopping (today).
It is raining and I think I will cook instead.
Maybe I will set a pretty table for my dinner.
I miss you, ever so much my DH!
Love, Me
ps. my phone won't text. I think it will need to be upgraded soon.
pss. I love you!
pss. I am going to unload the dishes I have in the dishwasher now. And clean out my cabinets and make room for ......for........more dishes.
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Vacation Continued, part 2 (many weeks later)
We spent a quick day with out grandkids in Arizona. The time was precious and went way too fast. How I miss those kids. They are getting so big. Both of them are taller than me!
After leaving Arizona, we made a quick trip into Mexico.
Dental work for some, food for all, jewelry, lotion, prescriptions, etc. You know.
When friends are together, if one buys something, then everyone needs to.
That is the law. Whos law, I don't know, but I am sure it is the law some where.
I didn't want to carry my camera, so no pictures, sorry. It is probably for the best.
Black mail is illegal. So are some drugs. What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico.
Then we were off to San Diego! That is where my baby grandson is. Oh, so is my daughter, but that baby is growing and changing every day, so I was glad to get my hands on him!
I have pictures of the cutest grandson!
He has room for improvement with his table manners, but he is still cute!
He tries hard too be good, and use a spoon, ....... sometimes........!
But, dang he is cute!
And he has such "attitude".
I taught him several new things while I was there.
To say "Pee Ewe"...
What does the donkey say? "Hee Haw".
And to Break Dance!!!
We practiced every day.
We shot hoops together, we jogged together and we read books together. We sang lots of songs together, we ate and shared drinks together, we took rides and both sat in the the back seat together, we played on the computer together, we even napped together.
We even refinished his mamma's patio furniture together.
He is so cute.
And I am sure he misses me!
Love, Nana
After leaving Arizona, we made a quick trip into Mexico.
Dental work for some, food for all, jewelry, lotion, prescriptions, etc. You know.
When friends are together, if one buys something, then everyone needs to.
That is the law. Whos law, I don't know, but I am sure it is the law some where.
I didn't want to carry my camera, so no pictures, sorry. It is probably for the best.
Black mail is illegal. So are some drugs. What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico.
Then we were off to San Diego! That is where my baby grandson is. Oh, so is my daughter, but that baby is growing and changing every day, so I was glad to get my hands on him!
I have pictures of the cutest grandson!
He has room for improvement with his table manners, but he is still cute!
He tries hard too be good, and use a spoon, ....... sometimes........!
But, dang he is cute!
And he has such "attitude".
I taught him several new things while I was there.
To say "Pee Ewe"...
What does the donkey say? "Hee Haw".
And to Break Dance!!!
We practiced every day.
We shot hoops together, we jogged together and we read books together. We sang lots of songs together, we ate and shared drinks together, we took rides and both sat in the the back seat together, we played on the computer together, we even napped together.
We even refinished his mamma's patio furniture together.
He is so cute.
And I am sure he misses me!
Love, Nana
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Another Cookbook Must Have
If you know me at all you know I love to cook.
If you know me at all you know I collect cookbooks. (DH takes issue with this obsession)
If you know me at all you know I read The Pioneer Woman 3 days a week.
If you know me at all you know I have never won anything on her blog.
If you know me at all you know I enter every time she gives something away.
If you know me at all you know I am doing it again.
If you know Ree Drummond you know she has a new cookbook.
I love her first cookbook.
Not just the recipes, but the everyday stories of her life on a ranch in Oklahoma.
She is a mother of 4 and is rich, and home schools her kids, and is rich.
She cooks and entertains, but is very down to earth, and is rich.
She built a lodge to cook in, and entertain in, because she is rich.
But she is real.
She cooks. Rich foods, with butter, all the time.
And she makes messes just like the rest of us, even if we aren't rich.
I wonder if she has domestic help to clean up after her.
But she and I have some much in common.
We both have four kids and a Darling Husband.
We both cook and make messes.
We both have cast iron frying pans.
We both live in houses with stairs.
She likes Photography, too.
And we both can food.
We have a few differences in our lives, though.
She has red long hair.
She wears dark shades of nail polish.
Her kids wear chaps.
Her DH rides a horse everyday.
And she has published two cookbooks.
Once again, I am entering to win one.
If I don't win one, I will have to buy one!
Yep, I like PW.
She is real!
Love, Me
If you know me at all you know I collect cookbooks. (DH takes issue with this obsession)
If you know me at all you know I read The Pioneer Woman 3 days a week.
If you know me at all you know I have never won anything on her blog.
If you know me at all you know I enter every time she gives something away.
If you know me at all you know I am doing it again.
If you know Ree Drummond you know she has a new cookbook.
I love her first cookbook.
Not just the recipes, but the everyday stories of her life on a ranch in Oklahoma.
She is a mother of 4 and is rich, and home schools her kids, and is rich.
She cooks and entertains, but is very down to earth, and is rich.
She built a lodge to cook in, and entertain in, because she is rich.
But she is real.
She cooks. Rich foods, with butter, all the time.
And she makes messes just like the rest of us, even if we aren't rich.
I wonder if she has domestic help to clean up after her.
But she and I have some much in common.
We both have four kids and a Darling Husband.
We both cook and make messes.
We both have cast iron frying pans.
We both live in houses with stairs.
She likes Photography, too.
And we both can food.
We have a few differences in our lives, though.
She has red long hair.
She wears dark shades of nail polish.
Her kids wear chaps.
Her DH rides a horse everyday.
And she has published two cookbooks.
Once again, I am entering to win one.
If I don't win one, I will have to buy one!
Yep, I like PW.
She is real!
Love, Me
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Downton Abbey
Since my daughter took me to "High Tea" I keep thinking, I am living the wrong life.
I want to be in "Downton Abbey"!
To say that I am obsessed with the series is putting it mild. Very mild.
I am addicted, obsessed, and really like it!
And now I have discovered there is a book!
A book with pictures!
Those ladies have "High Tea" every single day.
Without me!
I have to give credit where credit is due!
I found this information out while I was reading some of the blogs I follow.
One blog that I love is
I am best friends with this Jacqueline and she doesn't know it.
Anyway, she is the one who posted about the book of Downton Abbey.
She posted the pictures I am using to share with you.
Because I haven't got the book yet!!!
But, I will!
The pictures are so cool.
I want to be there.
And wear the clothes.
And be skinny.
And wear those clothes like they do.
Brace yourself for the clothes......
I love them!!!!!
I took the test to see who I would be on Downton Abbey.
I am Anna, the Ladies Maid, to Mary.
That figures! It is because I know how to do hair, I am sure.
Aurgh!! I want to wear gloves and hats and neat heels.
And have someone draw my bath, and do my hair....
And have an accent, and live in England,
And have lots of stuff, like silver pots, and china, and ride horses, and eat fancy food,
And let someone else make my bed, and spoil me, everyday..
Every single day.
Or, would I rather be Mrs. Patmore and cook in her awesome old fashioned kitchen.
I would even be happy there!
I love cookstoves, and crocks, and cast iron, and dough, and learning new recipes,
And making food look fancy with fresh fruit, like raspberries, and
I love scones and lemon curd, and cream, and tea, and
Yep, I could even do the kitchen stuff........
Some of my obsession has poured over into my shopping.
Today I bought China, from England, with Forget Me Nots....... so I can have a tea party!
I don't dare pack it in my luggage, so I will have it delivered to me in April.
(I am amazed at what I can find at Goodwill..... just saying.......)
I have to wait until have a tea party on china with Forget Me Nots........
So, I am going to buy the book to hold me over.
I have already bought season one and season two of the series on DVD.
(I am grateful for Masterpiece Theater!!!)
Love, Me
I want to be in "Downton Abbey"!
To say that I am obsessed with the series is putting it mild. Very mild.
I am addicted, obsessed, and really like it!
And now I have discovered there is a book!
A book with pictures!
Those ladies have "High Tea" every single day.
Without me!
I have to give credit where credit is due!
I found this information out while I was reading some of the blogs I follow.
One blog that I love is
I am best friends with this Jacqueline and she doesn't know it.
Anyway, she is the one who posted about the book of Downton Abbey.
She posted the pictures I am using to share with you.
Because I haven't got the book yet!!!
But, I will!
The pictures are so cool.
I want to be there.
And wear the clothes.
And be skinny.
And wear those clothes like they do.
Brace yourself for the clothes......
I love them!!!!!
I took the test to see who I would be on Downton Abbey.
I am Anna, the Ladies Maid, to Mary.
That figures! It is because I know how to do hair, I am sure.
Aurgh!! I want to wear gloves and hats and neat heels.
And have someone draw my bath, and do my hair....
And have an accent, and live in England,
And have lots of stuff, like silver pots, and china, and ride horses, and eat fancy food,
And let someone else make my bed, and spoil me, everyday..
Every single day.
Or, would I rather be Mrs. Patmore and cook in her awesome old fashioned kitchen.
I would even be happy there!
I love cookstoves, and crocks, and cast iron, and dough, and learning new recipes,
And making food look fancy with fresh fruit, like raspberries, and
I love scones and lemon curd, and cream, and tea, and
Yep, I could even do the kitchen stuff........
Some of my obsession has poured over into my shopping.
Today I bought China, from England, with Forget Me Nots....... so I can have a tea party!
I don't dare pack it in my luggage, so I will have it delivered to me in April.
(I am amazed at what I can find at Goodwill..... just saying.......)
I have to wait until have a tea party on china with Forget Me Nots........
So, I am going to buy the book to hold me over.
I have already bought season one and season two of the series on DVD.
(I am grateful for Masterpiece Theater!!!)
Love, Me
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- Tawnya
- happy, in love, getting closer to retirement, love my family, love my Savior.