This spring has been one of the most exciting to experience.
Due to the large amount of snow we had during the winter, we now see lots of water.
The rivers are full of run off from the mountains.
Some areas in the state are having flood warnings.
We haven't seen severe flooding, because those in charge of the dams are so good.
The reservoirs have been draining much of the water into the rivers.
That is making more room for the melting snow to fill the reservoirs again
South of where we live is a town called Twin Falls.
Shoshone Falls is near Twin Falls.
So, a group of us took a ride to see the water in Shoshone Falls.
And it was spectacular.
The water has carved a pretty canyon and exposed lots of crevices in the rocks ,which the animals and birds to call home.
We had a wonderful time with our friends, and taking a little time to enjoy the beauties which surround us.
And we count our blessings every day because we are so thankful to live where we do.
This is a few of our friends....... (me) Paula, JoyLynn and Diane (Diane is JoyLynn's sister visiting from Surprise, Arizona. and she has a home in the Seattle area, too).
Our husbands 4 wheel together, fish, camp, and entertain their wives, build gardens, mow lawns, haul dirt, put up fences, take their wives to dinner, go to movies, and are pretty much joined at the hip.
Our husbands are so much alike.
And the women are, too.
And we all like Choke cherries.
The following photo is a choke cherry bush in blossom.
Soon we will pick the little berries and make jam and syrup.
And take a picnic, and ride the 4 wheelers, and play some more.
Shoshone falls is as spectacular as Niagara Falls, and a whole lot closer!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
It is Bearly.......Bearable
Food for thought
In this life I'm a woman.
In my next life, I'd like to come back as a bear.
When you're a bear, you get to hibernate.
You do nothing but sleep for six months.
I could deal with that.
Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid.
I could deal with that, too.
When you're a girl bear, you birth your children
(who are the size of walnuts)
While you're sleeping and wake to partially grown,
cute cuddly cubs.
I could definitely deal with that.
If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business.
You swat anyone who bothers your cubs.
If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too.
I could deal with that.
If you're a bear, your mate expects you to wake up growling.
He expects that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.
Yup! Gonna be a bear.
(Unknown Author)
poem taken from a newspaper I picked up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming this week.
I love it! Hope you do, too!
Happy Father's Day tomorrow, to all the special men in my life. Especially my father, and the father of my children. Also, to the fathers of my grandchildren. May you all get what you deserve :)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
7 Things About Myself
Things like this make me look inside myself. They make me a little uncomfortable. It is hard to think of random things about oneself.
...but, I will try......I am to share 7 things with you.
1. I love rain. I love the sound of water in a bubbling creek. But, water running from a tap makes me need to pee.
2. Jane Austin based movies are my favorite. I love vintage movies of all times. If a movie has vintage clothes and the actors speak with the English accent, I am stuck to the screen until it ends. Some of my favorites are Jane Eyre, Little Women, Pride and Prejudice. I think you get the idea.
3. Pizza wins over a hamburger. Pappa Murphy makes a great Hawaiian pizza. I bring it home and add chopped olives and more cheese. Then pop it into the oven, and wait impatiently until it is done.
4. Mahjong's is one of my favorite games to play on the computer or my Nook. I have been known to stay up until 2:00 am.....just wanting to go to sleep, and couldn't make myself turn off the game.
5. Nothing smells as good as a fresh Lilac Bush. Scented candles try, but they just can't find the freshness of the real fragrance. And clean sheets, which were dried outside on the clothes line.
6. Meadow Larks sing the prettiest song! I have a few in my front yard, and I get up early just to listen to them. Then they sing again in the evening. I love them!
7. I have to lump the last one together. WifeMotherGrandmother. That is worth everything!
Now it is your turn. You tell me 7 things about you.
Good luck!