I wish I had my camera.
I want to take pictures of the snow falling today.
I also spent a few hours in the kitchen baking and such, and would love to share that with you.
But when I flew from San Diego to Idaho Falls, I could only take a small carry on bag and my purse.
I smuggled my laptop in my purse.
That was all I could carry.
Today my youngest surgery, recovering, patient, daughter was whining because I wasn't cooking. She even called her father and complained. I guess the world famous omelets aren't considered cooking!
The croissant rolls, with cranberry sauce, turkey, sprouts, cheese, thinly sliced cucumbers isn't either.
So, today I made from scratch....even ground my own wheat.....whole wheat and oat bread.
Also, whole wheat and oats with crasins..... 2 loaves each.
Then!!! I made a chicken pot pie! With homemade pie dough....sauteed onions, carrots, celery. Chicken thigh meat fried up with garlic and tons of seasonings....corn, peas, potato. Yummmmmm!
I baked the bottom layer of pie crust first. Then added the filling. Topped with basket weave dough strips.
Baked it for 45 minutes.
I am a highly motivated chef when a surgery recovering patient complains to the management!
I am just so sorry that I don't have my awesome husband and camera home with me to share with them all my awesomeness.
I also washed my sheets today (hoping the patient will shower) and got the bed made.
I shoveled our driveway and our neighbors driveway, and our deck, and the back yard for the dogs.
I dusted my bedroom.
Took the little patients laundry downstairs to her room.
Did my physical therapy for my knee.
Washed and dried all my cooking pots, by hand!
Now, I am ready to watch a movie and sew on the crazy quilt some more. And pray tomorrow I am able to accomplish more......like, get my roots colored! I look awful!
Till then, Ta Ta
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Where Has The Time Gone
Where did March go?
My blog is a tidbit of my journal and life. But you wouldn't know it these days. I have neglected this little piece of my world terribly. The time just flew away and I wasn't able to keep up. It is that plain and simple.
I have been busy. Not with things that I can show you with pictures. It is the "other stuff" in our lives that has filled my days. You know what I mean. The things that are close to your heart, and you keep them private. Things that happen and they are the things you don't take pictures of. Family things. Health things. Heart felt things. And some Painful things.
I spent many days in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was an unexpected trip. One day it was Valentines Day, and the next day I was in Utah with family members. Those days are a blur to me now. They are tender memories. I won't share them here. It isn't appropriate. But know it was painful. It was stressful. And a very thankless time. A time when hopes and wishes didn't come true. A time when I felt lonely and helpless and sad. I felt disappointment, despair, resentment, anger, and so much love! My dear husband and children were my rock. They held me up when I didn't think I could bare another day.
During that time I saw a few miracles. I shared them with my brothers. We drew strength and love from each other. We became closer than we have been in years. We shared heart aches, discouragement, love and laughter. We felt the love of our Father in Heaven and the influence of Satan. I can testify that both are in our lives daily. Some times the lesser tries to imitate the other. It is done with cunning and deviousness. At times it is hard to tell which one to listen to. I was tested. At times I didn't do so well. At other times, I felt the love of Jesus Christ hold me in His arms and give me peace.
I am glad that I shared that experience with my mom and dad, my husband and children, and brothers and a wonderful sister in law! We are so much closer and feel such love for each other. When we had to lean on each other we became a strong wall of love and support for each other. I am grateful for this time with them. The learning and experiences we have in this life helps us to continue to grow and mature. We never stop growing and learning.
Quickly, after that experience, which I refer to as "The Utah Time", my DH and I took a trip to California to see our two children, who continue to call that state home. Why? Darned if I know the answer to that. Although the weather in California, in March, is much nicer than the weather in Idaho is. {I can't believe I just said that!} But the smog, the traffic, the people....no thank you....!
However, if I have to go to Southern California every month I will. Because My little grandson lives there. So I will go! Every time I can. I don't have a heart anymore. .....as that little man has it. It is wrapped around his little bitty tiny finger!
In case you aren't a grandmother yet, let me be the first to warn you about what happens to you when you become one. You lose your heart. Over and over and over. It is that simple. You are never the same.
It happens so quickly you can't protect yourself. Those wee children just rip out your lungs and heart, and every organ! It is true. And it happens if they are 3 years old, or 15 months old or new born. You don't expect it, and WHAM it hits you. You are never the same.
When I hear "Nana".....my heart skips a beat and then it is gone. Someone has it. And I haven't been the same since.
And those grandkids, who are 16 and 14 years old are just as good at stealing my heart as that 9 month old is. However, the older grandchildren expect to have me lay down and give them my heart every single time I am with them....and it isn't the same as when they are 9 months old.
When babies have "attitude" it is because they are hungry, tired, or have poopy pants.
When teenagers have "attitude".......the reasons aren't as easily identified. Are they hungry? Always.
Are they tired? Usually. I don't look at their underwear so I don't know if they are poopy, but the "attitude" can be......or it can be as sweet as roses. But those grandkids still steal your heart. No matter what.
My time in California was cut short, and I missed the planned visit to Arizona.
Do you want to know why? I knew you did... so I will tell you.
My youngest daughter was home in Idaho tending 4 dogs and going to work and just enjoying herself home alone. And then WHAM. She was hit with another Gallbladder attack. It was the worst ever. And she has had some bad ones over the past few years....but this one was really bad.
The attack started during the night on Friday. It kept her up most of the night. But she was a good employee and got up and went to work Saturday morning. When she arrived at work, at 7:30 a.m. she told her manager how sick she was. Her words fell on deaf ears and she ended up throwing up blood and still worked until 1:30 pm. Some people have no compassion! (That is the mom in me coming out...sorry) So, my youngest daughter drove herself to Urgent Care, was treated and sent to the hospital for an Ultra Sound. It confirmed the gallbladder had to come out......but the surgeon wouldn't be contacted until Monday. Later that night another neighbor drove her to Urgent Care for the second time that day. She got a shot for the pain. Pills were not strong enough. (Thanks Diane)
In the meantime, I caught a very early flight Sunday morning and arrived in IF about 1:00 pm. My dear neighbor met me at the airport and drove me home (Thanks JoyLynn). I was amazed to see my strong daughter in so much pain.
Thursday afternoon surgery was preformed. The Dr. told me her gallbladder had infection and scar tissue. That is why the surgery took twice as long as it should have. Once the patient woke up enough to get dressed and walk, I took her home. She is recovering slowly and in pain still, but she says it is better than the pain prior to surgery. It is amazing to me that Gallbladder surgery is done as "out patient" now. It wasn't very many years ago that surgery was done with a long incision in the torso and 3 to 4 days in the hospital.
So, life goes on.......
Hopefully April will hold less challenges for me. Less drama would be a good thing.
Thank you to all of those who have shared the past two months with me. Your love and support are priceless. May we continue to love and forgive all those who trespass against us. That is my prayer. And might I add, let us never lose our sense of humor.
Tomorrow is something to look forward to.....it doesn't have any mistakes in it....!
(Name that movie)...
My blog is a tidbit of my journal and life. But you wouldn't know it these days. I have neglected this little piece of my world terribly. The time just flew away and I wasn't able to keep up. It is that plain and simple.
I have been busy. Not with things that I can show you with pictures. It is the "other stuff" in our lives that has filled my days. You know what I mean. The things that are close to your heart, and you keep them private. Things that happen and they are the things you don't take pictures of. Family things. Health things. Heart felt things. And some Painful things.
I spent many days in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was an unexpected trip. One day it was Valentines Day, and the next day I was in Utah with family members. Those days are a blur to me now. They are tender memories. I won't share them here. It isn't appropriate. But know it was painful. It was stressful. And a very thankless time. A time when hopes and wishes didn't come true. A time when I felt lonely and helpless and sad. I felt disappointment, despair, resentment, anger, and so much love! My dear husband and children were my rock. They held me up when I didn't think I could bare another day.
During that time I saw a few miracles. I shared them with my brothers. We drew strength and love from each other. We became closer than we have been in years. We shared heart aches, discouragement, love and laughter. We felt the love of our Father in Heaven and the influence of Satan. I can testify that both are in our lives daily. Some times the lesser tries to imitate the other. It is done with cunning and deviousness. At times it is hard to tell which one to listen to. I was tested. At times I didn't do so well. At other times, I felt the love of Jesus Christ hold me in His arms and give me peace.
I am glad that I shared that experience with my mom and dad, my husband and children, and brothers and a wonderful sister in law! We are so much closer and feel such love for each other. When we had to lean on each other we became a strong wall of love and support for each other. I am grateful for this time with them. The learning and experiences we have in this life helps us to continue to grow and mature. We never stop growing and learning.
Quickly, after that experience, which I refer to as "The Utah Time", my DH and I took a trip to California to see our two children, who continue to call that state home. Why? Darned if I know the answer to that. Although the weather in California, in March, is much nicer than the weather in Idaho is. {I can't believe I just said that!} But the smog, the traffic, the people....no thank you....!
However, if I have to go to Southern California every month I will. Because My little grandson lives there. So I will go! Every time I can. I don't have a heart anymore. .....as that little man has it. It is wrapped around his little bitty tiny finger!
In case you aren't a grandmother yet, let me be the first to warn you about what happens to you when you become one. You lose your heart. Over and over and over. It is that simple. You are never the same.
It happens so quickly you can't protect yourself. Those wee children just rip out your lungs and heart, and every organ! It is true. And it happens if they are 3 years old, or 15 months old or new born. You don't expect it, and WHAM it hits you. You are never the same.
When I hear "Nana".....my heart skips a beat and then it is gone. Someone has it. And I haven't been the same since.
And those grandkids, who are 16 and 14 years old are just as good at stealing my heart as that 9 month old is. However, the older grandchildren expect to have me lay down and give them my heart every single time I am with them....and it isn't the same as when they are 9 months old.
When babies have "attitude" it is because they are hungry, tired, or have poopy pants.
When teenagers have "attitude".......the reasons aren't as easily identified. Are they hungry? Always.
Are they tired? Usually. I don't look at their underwear so I don't know if they are poopy, but the "attitude" can be......or it can be as sweet as roses. But those grandkids still steal your heart. No matter what.
My time in California was cut short, and I missed the planned visit to Arizona.
Do you want to know why? I knew you did... so I will tell you.
My youngest daughter was home in Idaho tending 4 dogs and going to work and just enjoying herself home alone. And then WHAM. She was hit with another Gallbladder attack. It was the worst ever. And she has had some bad ones over the past few years....but this one was really bad.
The attack started during the night on Friday. It kept her up most of the night. But she was a good employee and got up and went to work Saturday morning. When she arrived at work, at 7:30 a.m. she told her manager how sick she was. Her words fell on deaf ears and she ended up throwing up blood and still worked until 1:30 pm. Some people have no compassion! (That is the mom in me coming out...sorry) So, my youngest daughter drove herself to Urgent Care, was treated and sent to the hospital for an Ultra Sound. It confirmed the gallbladder had to come out......but the surgeon wouldn't be contacted until Monday. Later that night another neighbor drove her to Urgent Care for the second time that day. She got a shot for the pain. Pills were not strong enough. (Thanks Diane)
In the meantime, I caught a very early flight Sunday morning and arrived in IF about 1:00 pm. My dear neighbor met me at the airport and drove me home (Thanks JoyLynn). I was amazed to see my strong daughter in so much pain.
Thursday afternoon surgery was preformed. The Dr. told me her gallbladder had infection and scar tissue. That is why the surgery took twice as long as it should have. Once the patient woke up enough to get dressed and walk, I took her home. She is recovering slowly and in pain still, but she says it is better than the pain prior to surgery. It is amazing to me that Gallbladder surgery is done as "out patient" now. It wasn't very many years ago that surgery was done with a long incision in the torso and 3 to 4 days in the hospital.
So, life goes on.......
Hopefully April will hold less challenges for me. Less drama would be a good thing.
Thank you to all of those who have shared the past two months with me. Your love and support are priceless. May we continue to love and forgive all those who trespass against us. That is my prayer. And might I add, let us never lose our sense of humor.
Tomorrow is something to look forward to.....it doesn't have any mistakes in it....!
(Name that movie)...
Friday, March 4, 2011
Swan Valley, Idaho and More
Growing up in rural Idaho, I took so much for granted. I didn't realize the beauty that surrounded me each day. I thought every kid got to swim in canals, ride bikes with your friends until the sun went down, sleep outside on summer nights, see calves and colts romp in open fields, eat trout your dad caught, eat freshly picked peas, and see the Milky Way from your front porch.
We always had some place beautiful to drive too. Wolverine Canyon, Kellys Canyon, West Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, Lava Hot Springs, and Swan Valley.
We would eat in greasy cafes where the best hamburgers and french fries were served. We could get square ice cream cones, and many times we pack a picnic, so we could eat anytime and any where.
Recently our family took a drive to Swan Valley. We continued on to Targhee Ski Resort, driving through Driggs, Idaho. The day was partly sunny, and the inside of the car stayed warm from the sun, although the outside temperatures were in the single digits.
Many years ago my Aunt Carol owned a restaurant and small motel in Swan Valley. It was called Shangans Lodge. I used to wash dishes for her restaurant to earn a little money. I ate my first open faced sandwich in her restaurant. Tucked under the lettuce leaf was my earnings for the day. It was a $5.00 bill. I remember the feeling of getting paid SO MUCH money, for just washing dishes.
My cousins, they were all boys, had caught a badger that summer. Badgers have a reputation for being very nasty and mean! But, my cousins, with perseverance, tamed that Badger. I know every one in the State Of Idaho feared that badger, and I was no different. I didn't trust a wild animal to become tame. But, those boys played with it all the time. I don't know what happened to it.....
On our recent drive through Swan Valley, I had a flood of memories of my childhood. What a wonderful day I spent with my family. We stopped for snacks, stopped to take several hundred pictures, and for potty breaks. My DH and I shared many of our memories with our two daughters and grandson of "how it used to be".....where our favorite ski runs were, where our car almost slid off the road and down a ravine, etc. I know they were spell bound hearing all the stories of our splendid youth and our early years of marriage.
We ate Buffalo Burgers in Driggs, and got hot cocoa in Swan Valley, and added another wonderful day to our memory bank. By the time we got home, it was very dark, late, cold and our memory cards were as full as our hearts were.
Thanks family, for a special spontaneous day!
We always had some place beautiful to drive too. Wolverine Canyon, Kellys Canyon, West Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, Lava Hot Springs, and Swan Valley.
We would eat in greasy cafes where the best hamburgers and french fries were served. We could get square ice cream cones, and many times we pack a picnic, so we could eat anytime and any where.
Recently our family took a drive to Swan Valley. We continued on to Targhee Ski Resort, driving through Driggs, Idaho. The day was partly sunny, and the inside of the car stayed warm from the sun, although the outside temperatures were in the single digits.
Many years ago my Aunt Carol owned a restaurant and small motel in Swan Valley. It was called Shangans Lodge. I used to wash dishes for her restaurant to earn a little money. I ate my first open faced sandwich in her restaurant. Tucked under the lettuce leaf was my earnings for the day. It was a $5.00 bill. I remember the feeling of getting paid SO MUCH money, for just washing dishes.
My cousins, they were all boys, had caught a badger that summer. Badgers have a reputation for being very nasty and mean! But, my cousins, with perseverance, tamed that Badger. I know every one in the State Of Idaho feared that badger, and I was no different. I didn't trust a wild animal to become tame. But, those boys played with it all the time. I don't know what happened to it.....
On our recent drive through Swan Valley, I had a flood of memories of my childhood. What a wonderful day I spent with my family. We stopped for snacks, stopped to take several hundred pictures, and for potty breaks. My DH and I shared many of our memories with our two daughters and grandson of "how it used to be".....where our favorite ski runs were, where our car almost slid off the road and down a ravine, etc. I know they were spell bound hearing all the stories of our splendid youth and our early years of marriage.
We ate Buffalo Burgers in Driggs, and got hot cocoa in Swan Valley, and added another wonderful day to our memory bank. By the time we got home, it was very dark, late, cold and our memory cards were as full as our hearts were.
Thanks family, for a special spontaneous day!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
New Chair Seat Covers
I have been blessed to inherit my Aunt Erma's dining room. We brought it from Arizona, and it took a few bumps on the way. I have some finish work to fix. Just some scratches. But, since moving back to Idaho, I knew we had to change the fabric on the seats.
I got the dining room set when Aunt Erma passed away and Uncle Chuck was ready to move on. It had mauve/pink fabric on the seats. It is the fabric Aunt Erma covered the chairs with about 20 years ago, when she and Uncle Chuck moved to Sun City West, Arizona. It matched her house then, but it didn't match mine.
I changed the fabric to some green floral thing. I was going to make drapes for my house to match the chairs. However, I think I really didn't like the fabric after all, so the window coverings never got done.
Since our move I have wanted to change the chair covering. They are now done.
Do you want to see?
Here is the fabric I used in Arizona...... boy, did it need up dated!
This is the fabric I covered them with. Just a green/purple/gold faze I was going through.
They don't match our house now at all, so DH and I went shopping a few weeks ago, and he was the one who found the fabric that we ended up using.
Step 1: Remove the seat.
Just turn the chair upside down on your kitchen counter and unscrew the screws that are holding the seat on.
Step 2: Remove the old fabric.
I only took off the fabric I had put on. I left Aunt Erma's fabric. It tells a story.
It really helps if you have a DH to help you do this part. Then all you have to do is wish you would have done it sooner in the day so you would have better lighting for your photos, instead of the kitchen light. You just stand there, looking pretty and take the photos and cheer your DH on. " What a marvelous thing he is doing and it just wouldn't be done if it wasn't for him...." You know what I mean. Ad Lib if you must.
Step 3:. Cut the new fabric big enough to cover the seats, and staple it on.
Staple from the center of the side you are working on, to the sides. Do front and back, then the two sides.
Just miter the corners a bit, tug a bit, staple a few extra times and it will work. I promise.
These chairs are not square. The front is wider than the back, but the stripes worked anyway.
Step 4: Place the seats on the chair, and screw the seats to the chair frame.
There isn't a picture of this step........ I got tired of standing their so I started helping and didn't pick up the camera again for a while.
But if you go back to Step 1 and see my DH's hands unscrewing the screws....to remove the seats........well, reverse the process and imagine him screwing them back in. That is how it all works.
Then the 6 six chairs were done.
We put them back under the table, and they stayed there, until the following morning, when pictures were taken to show you the finished product.
Looks pretty good to me~Thanks DH! I love ya! Bunches!!!
I got the dining room set when Aunt Erma passed away and Uncle Chuck was ready to move on. It had mauve/pink fabric on the seats. It is the fabric Aunt Erma covered the chairs with about 20 years ago, when she and Uncle Chuck moved to Sun City West, Arizona. It matched her house then, but it didn't match mine.
I changed the fabric to some green floral thing. I was going to make drapes for my house to match the chairs. However, I think I really didn't like the fabric after all, so the window coverings never got done.
Since our move I have wanted to change the chair covering. They are now done.
Do you want to see?
Here is the fabric I used in Arizona...... boy, did it need up dated!
This is the fabric I covered them with. Just a green/purple/gold faze I was going through.
They don't match our house now at all, so DH and I went shopping a few weeks ago, and he was the one who found the fabric that we ended up using.
Step 1: Remove the seat.
Just turn the chair upside down on your kitchen counter and unscrew the screws that are holding the seat on.
Step 2: Remove the old fabric.
I only took off the fabric I had put on. I left Aunt Erma's fabric. It tells a story.
It really helps if you have a DH to help you do this part. Then all you have to do is wish you would have done it sooner in the day so you would have better lighting for your photos, instead of the kitchen light. You just stand there, looking pretty and take the photos and cheer your DH on. " What a marvelous thing he is doing and it just wouldn't be done if it wasn't for him...." You know what I mean. Ad Lib if you must.
Step 3:. Cut the new fabric big enough to cover the seats, and staple it on.
Staple from the center of the side you are working on, to the sides. Do front and back, then the two sides.
Just miter the corners a bit, tug a bit, staple a few extra times and it will work. I promise.
These chairs are not square. The front is wider than the back, but the stripes worked anyway.
Step 4: Place the seats on the chair, and screw the seats to the chair frame.
There isn't a picture of this step........ I got tired of standing their so I started helping and didn't pick up the camera again for a while.
But if you go back to Step 1 and see my DH's hands unscrewing the screws....to remove the seats........well, reverse the process and imagine him screwing them back in. That is how it all works.
Then the 6 six chairs were done.
We put them back under the table, and they stayed there, until the following morning, when pictures were taken to show you the finished product.
Looks pretty good to me~Thanks DH! I love ya! Bunches!!!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
We Said Good BYE....wwwhhhhhhaaaaa
Today, I dreaded getting out of bed.
After I woke up, I just layed there, in my bed.
I pulled the covers up over my ears so I couldn't hear the day beginning.
I did my knee exercises, and stalled.....
Yes, I do the exercises first thing in the morning, or I wouldn't get them done all day.
Leg lifts, without touching the bed,....1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7k, 8k, 9k, up to 50.
Then I pull my foot in towards my butt as tight as I can, to get a good bend. 50k times.
I use a strap and stretch my calves and bacon (ham) strings....50k, or as many as I can do.
So, this morning, I made sure and do as many as I could, over and over, because I was stalling.
I finally got up the guts to get out of my bed.
I drug my sorry attitude down the hall and into the kitchen..............
and right there, in front of me was the cutest baby in the entire world!!!
In his highchair, eating, cheerios.
(I introduced him to Cheerios yesterday, without his mom's permission. I was afraid to ask permission, so I thought I would just ask for forgiveness....but she was cool with it......whew!)
He has cut 2 bottom teeth since he has been with me.
See what a good influence I am on him.
It is my dentistry back ground!
I broke the Cheerios into 4ths. Then I let him play with them and pick them up and drop them on the floor and feed all the dogs..... He thought this was great......
So, I stepped it up a notch and taught him that He Could Eat Them, Too. He wasn't too sure about the first couple of them....a little gagging,....a little slobbering....a little spitting them out......he learned how to eat it.
Grandmas get to let the little kids do things they wouldn't let their own kids do.
Like I did yesterday, when the dogs water dish was the funnest place on earth.
But Grandmas don't like saying Goodbye to the little tike's!
In fact, they really dislike saying Goodbye to the sweet, yummy darlings.
The truth is, old ladies, who are grandmas, would rather lay in bed and exercise.
But, if you have to get up and out of bed, and drag yourself into the kitchen, then this is the sight you would want to see. Forever, everyday, forever!
And they are glad to see their grandma, too!
Really glad!
So, saying goodbye doesn't hurt so much when you start the day like this........and can go back to the photos that have been taken the last few days.............and remember................each little thing..........................
and try not to think about the dang goodbyes!
......and remember the mom of this baby.......................I hate those dang goodbyes!
After I woke up, I just layed there, in my bed.
I pulled the covers up over my ears so I couldn't hear the day beginning.
I did my knee exercises, and stalled.....
Yes, I do the exercises first thing in the morning, or I wouldn't get them done all day.
Leg lifts, without touching the bed,....1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7k, 8k, 9k, up to 50.
Then I pull my foot in towards my butt as tight as I can, to get a good bend. 50k times.
I use a strap and stretch my calves and bacon (ham) strings....50k, or as many as I can do.
So, this morning, I made sure and do as many as I could, over and over, because I was stalling.
I finally got up the guts to get out of my bed.
I drug my sorry attitude down the hall and into the kitchen..............
and right there, in front of me was the cutest baby in the entire world!!!
In his highchair, eating, cheerios.
(I introduced him to Cheerios yesterday, without his mom's permission. I was afraid to ask permission, so I thought I would just ask for forgiveness....but she was cool with it......whew!)
He has cut 2 bottom teeth since he has been with me.
See what a good influence I am on him.
It is my dentistry back ground!
I broke the Cheerios into 4ths. Then I let him play with them and pick them up and drop them on the floor and feed all the dogs..... He thought this was great......
So, I stepped it up a notch and taught him that He Could Eat Them, Too. He wasn't too sure about the first couple of them....a little gagging,....a little slobbering....a little spitting them out......he learned how to eat it.
Grandmas get to let the little kids do things they wouldn't let their own kids do.
Like I did yesterday, when the dogs water dish was the funnest place on earth.
But Grandmas don't like saying Goodbye to the little tike's!
In fact, they really dislike saying Goodbye to the sweet, yummy darlings.
The truth is, old ladies, who are grandmas, would rather lay in bed and exercise.
But, if you have to get up and out of bed, and drag yourself into the kitchen, then this is the sight you would want to see. Forever, everyday, forever!
And they are glad to see their grandma, too!
Really glad!
So, saying goodbye doesn't hurt so much when you start the day like this........and can go back to the photos that have been taken the last few days.............and remember................each little thing..........................
and try not to think about the dang goodbyes!
......and remember the mom of this baby.......................I hate those dang goodbyes!
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About Me

- Tawnya
- happy, in love, getting closer to retirement, love my family, love my Savior.