There are not words in the English Language which can describe how blessed I feel to be able to take trips with my mom and sisters. It makes it that much better to visit my dear relatives in Maine. Cousin Janet who is almost my age, with kids the age of mine, and Aunt Deanne. The extended family is just as wonderful! I have the time of my life while I am there. I spend way too much money, shop way too much, don't sleep enough, eat more than I should, and laugh until tears roll down my cheeks. I love my family. Each and everyone of them.

This bike is at the end of my Aunt Deanne's driveway. The trees are thick and
it would be easy to miss her driveway. This helps us find our way home.
Grace and Ella are daugters of Jennifer.
Jennifer is a daughter of Janet.
Janet is a daughter of Aunt Deanne.
Aunt Deanne is the sister to my mom.

Country Treasure is a place we always visit,
and spend more money! This is next to one
of the stores. It is privately owned and a very special place.

Judd, Emily, and Zeke.
Emily is another daughter of Janet.

My youngest sister, Liz and me.

Emily, Aunt Deanne (my mom's sister) Jennifer, Janet

Me, Mom, Liz, Vicki

Liz, Mom, Vicki, Me
The only man who took the place of mine, while I was gone.
This is outside of Country Treasures.

Aunt Deanne's Siberian Husky, Mariah. I love her!

Outside of Emily's house.
Liz, Deanne, Emily, Mom, Vicki, Me

Thanks for the memories.