52 onces of Liv Sxinney spilled

Jess joined Oliver and came to Katties house when Nikki and I were visiting.
We played Liars Dice, and ate cheese, crackers, salsa, gucamole and laughed and laughed.

We visited Thrift Stores to look for containers for the Succulents that will be used for the center pieces for the tables at the wedding.

Nikki after our visit to the MAC counter!

Kattie is trying a new look and false eyelashes.

Gabby and Nikki
Just an example of what a wedding cake can look like.
I really liked this one, but Kate isn't so sure.

Kattie signing the contract on her Wedding Gown.
I can't share photos of that, as it is a secret from Rich and Varce.

Wedding Cake tasteing.
Chocolate with Mouse, Carrot Cake, and Raspberry Champagne

Main dinner, and the votes are still being counted..
Every single thing was fab!!!

The salad with a vinegarette

A year ago it snowed on us when we were camping on the rim.
This year we got 3 day of continual rain.
And 2 days of beauty. I loved every minute.

Again I found Bear Skat!

The beauty never ends. We nap, read, carve, crochet, nap, eat, take walks and rest. It is my favorite place to camp.

A few weeks ago Ivy and Zoey got a skein of yarn. It was around the legs of the furniture, over the chairs, in and out of the doggy door.
Varce found one end, and I found another and we met in the middle.